1 I would choose a takeaway restaurant because it is very convenient
2 Yes tried . And I believe that articles the most delicious food in the world.
3 I never intended to go on a diet because I think it's stupid. It doesn't work the way you want it to
4 it is true we are better now because we strive to become better and what was in the past will remain in the past
6. I think this is true because it really works carrots contain vitamins A that affect vision and apples need to be eaten every day
На пятый вопрос не знаю как ответить так что сорри
1. I play in computer games every day.
2. My working day begins at 7 o'clock.
3. They usually go to the river for a swim.
4. We don't watch TV.
5. Does he play in tennis?
6. What do you read after dinner?
7. We drink tea.
8. I read books and magazines every day.
9. Mister Smith play in football with his son.