Надо! напишите три предложения об известном человеке, которым вы восхищаетесь. используйте слова и фразы ниже, чтобы вам. was worked fought for/ brave intelligent kind honest
Моего друга зовут Данил. Он учится в пятом классе. Мы с ним очень хорошие друзья. У него есть мама её зовут Ирина Игоревна, а его папу зовут Егор Андреевич. Они ко мне очень хорошо относятся и всегда ждут в гости! Ещё у Данила есть сестра её зовут Рита ей 3 года. Мы с Данилом любим играть с его собакой. Его собака не большого роста породы такса. По кличке Чарли - это очень игривый и умный пёс. Данил очень хороший друг и товарищ. My friend's name is Daniel. He is studying in fifth grade. We're very good friends. He has a mom her name is Irina Igorevna, and his dad's name is Egor Andreevich. To me they are very good and always waiting to visit! Yet Daniel has a sister her name is Rita her 3 years. We Danil love to play with his dog. His dog is not tall breed Dachshund. Named Charlie is very playful and smart dog. Daniel a very good friend and comrade.
1. I read books three time per weeks. Because reading is cognitive and informative. 2.Yes. Because when I read I feel everything that feels character. I worry about them, happy with them. This is amazing. 2. Less. I think it enough for me. 4. I prefer books about fantasy and adventure. I think it more interesting then real world, where don't exist monster, fairies... 5. Reading books. How I said previously, it very iteresting. And when you watch TV your vision is deteriorating. But when you read a book, you begin to absorb the knowledge gained or to use quotes from the book 5.
My friend's name is Daniel. He is studying in fifth grade. We're very good friends. He has a mom her name is Irina Igorevna, and his dad's name is Egor Andreevich. To me they are very good and always waiting to visit! Yet Daniel has a sister her name is Rita her 3 years. We Danil love to play with his dog. His dog is not tall breed Dachshund. Named Charlie is very playful and smart dog. Daniel a very good friend and comrade.