Clothes are one of the most important things in our life. I wear clothes every day. We have many styles of clothing. For example, at important events we should wear business clothes, when we play sports, we wear sports clothes, etc. My favorite style of clothing is casual. Because it is very comfortable clothes for me. I usually wear jeans, t-shirts or hoodies and sneakers. I believe that everyone should find their own style. I also wear clean clothes, I think that's important. I love shopping for new clothes because it's fun and exciting.
1. If the food you eat has come from far away, it may have a heavy carbon footprint.
2. This is especially true for food transported by air.
3. A lot of our favourite fruits and vegetables are transported by air because they are high value, perishable products.
4. Blueberries and avocados that are imported by air are responsible for 50 times more carbon emissions than other foods such as rice that are transported on ships.
5. The rice that is transported on ships.
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7. The country of origin of the products they sell.
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9. The USA
10. Peru
11. Argentina