1 It is thin. It is usually made of wood. You can draw or write with it.
(A pencil)
2 It is thin, it has clean pages and colourful covers. You can write in it.
(an exercise book)
3 You keep your pens and pencils in it. It can be big or small.
(a pencil case)
4 I take your books from home to school.
I’m red or blue or green or black.
You zip my zippers here and there.
I’m always riding piggyback.
(a backpack = рюкзак)
5 It is used to stick things together. It can make your hands sticky. What is it?
(It's glue)
6 These things come in different colours. You use them to draw and colour your pictures. They can stain your fingers.
(felt pens / markers)
7 This thing helps you if you make a mistake. Just rub it out.
(a rubber/an eraser)