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1. "What will you give me and my merry men if we help you to get your girl back again?"
2. Allan-a-Dale had neither money nor gold, but he promised to be Robin Hood's true servant.
3. So Robin Hood decided to help to Allan-a-Dale and they all went the town where the girl lived.
4. When they came to the town they saw the girl Allan loved.
5. She was going into the church with the ruch old man.
6. Robin Hood and his men went into the church and asked the priest to marry the girl to Allan-a-Dale.
7. When the priest refused, Robin Hood pulled off the priest's coat and put it on Little John.
8. So Little John married the young people and they returned together to the merry Greenwood.
My Favourite Writer (I. Turgenev)
I'm fond of reading. Usually I borrow books from the library, but I have a lot of them at home, too. I like to read books about famous people and detective stories. Literature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and to understand life better.
There are some names in Russian and Foreign literature that are very dear to me.
In Russian literature I highly appreciate Ivan Sergiyovych Turgenev. For me he is a real intellectual and aristocrat, a man of culture, devoted to literature, music and art. Though he lived abroad for a long time he didn't stop to be a Russian writer-for a moment. He created a number of national characters in his books. The image of Turgenev s woman, deeply feeling, faithful and tender is an ideal of a Russian woman for me. It doesn't lose its charm even today.
2. You will visit the Valley of Geysers when you go to Kamchatka.
3. When Linda comes from Linlithgow she will have a voyage to Northern Ireland.