Yes/no qwestion: Are these factories send smoke high into air? Alternative qwestion: Are these or Moscow's factories send smoke high into air? W/h qwestion: What are these factories send high into the air?
1)Giant b)big 2)to watch d)to see 3)zoo b)a Wild Animals' Park
2)Выбери и вставь слова ,подходящее по смыслу: 1.Will you ... our society of young scientists? b)join 2.What... of people are they? d)kind 3.Look at his dirty shirt!He has just ... with Sam. b)had a fight 4.Are these beautiful flowers ...? d)natural 5)Have you heard of the London Zoological...? a)society
3 Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме 1.Не has already ... his puppy for a walk. b)taken 2.The scentist has never the little rhino. a)watched 3.The old man has already his cat. b)played 4.My brother has just ..his best friend at the zoo. b)met
4.Выбери правильный вариант перевод. 1.I have already cleaned my parrot's cage a)я уже вычистила клетку своего попугая,