In the world there are so many sub-cultures, most of them came from very davno.odnimi rasprostronёnnyh subcultures are emo, skaters, ska, goth, punks, rockers, metal, benchmarks, hippies, skinheads, Tolkienists, neformals.All subcultures vary in style. each subculture is self-expression. sub-cultures reflect the soul of the world and the human personality.
Subculture — a set accumulated a certain worldview values and practices of a group of people, United by specific interests, defining their world. Subculture — a sovereign integral education of the public culture. From the point of view of cultural studies, the subculture — these are enterprises of people, which do not contradict the values of traditional culture, but complement it.Subculture may differ from the dominant culture language, demeanor, clothing, etc. the Basis of the subculture can be a style of music, lifestyle, particular political views. Some subcultures are of an extreme nature and demonstrate a protest against society or certain social phenomena. Some subcultures are self-contained and seek to isolate their representatives from the companies. Sometimes subcultures are developing and are included as elements in a single culture society.More and more teenagers every day in all countries of the world become informal. So you need to know about this cultural niche, understand it and be prepared to deal with its representatives in real life. Developed subcultures have their periodicals, clubs, and social organizations.
The man who can not be determined with a profession I would be well advised to find their talent and what he does the best.You may want to ask their friends what they saw in you your talents.Maybe you wouldn't know but they lie to you.You can also recall the school years.You better just get?
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You need good grades to achieve my goal as it is one of the most important parts of learning.With large knowledge in any subject you can comprehend a lot.So how will know to apply their knowledge in different situations. You need to attend classes on them teachers and professors will explain you all the tips and tricks.On them you will gain knowledge.If you're not going to attend classes you unlikely will ever know.
1 My favorite New Year's holiday. 2 We decorate the Christmas tree different ornaments. 3 A lot of snow in the yard and every year we sculpt snowmen. 4 Cooking Christmas dinner and launching fireworks. 5 We congratulate each other on holidays and gifts to relatives. 6 The next day, we find under the tree gifts. 7 Opening them, we are happy. 8 That's why it's my favorite holiday.
Перевод: Мой любимый праздник Новый год. Мы украшаем ёлку разными украшениями. Выпадает много снега и во дворе мы каждый год лепим снеговиков.Готовим новогодний ужин и запускаем салют. Мы поздравляем друг друга с праздником и отправляем подарки родственникам. На следующий день под ёлкой мы находим подарки. Открывая их, мы радуемся. Вот поэтому это мой любимый праздник.
hippies, skinheads, Tolkienists, neformals.All subcultures vary in style. each subculture is self-expression. sub-cultures reflect the soul of the world and the human personality.