daniel defoe born daniel foe, was an english trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer, and spy, now most famous for his novel robinson crusoe. defoe is notable for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel, as he helped to popularise the form in britain, and, along with others such as samuel richardson, is among the founders of the english novel. a prolific and versatile writer, he wrote more than 500 books, pamphlets and journals on various topics (including politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology and the supernatural). he was also a pioneer of economic journalism.
1. The performance must be over as there are many people leaving the theatre.2. I don't believe that he said it. He can’t have said such a thing. 3. I am sure they knew everything about it. Mary must have told them. She can't keep her word. 4. I am sure that she did not do anything of the kind. They must have taken her sister for her. 5. It is impossible that they should have refused to help you. They can’t have broken their promise.6.Perhaps it was true, I am not sure. She might (OR could) have been ashamed to tell you the truth. 7. Can you really mean it? 8. There is no doubt that it was all prepared beforehand. He must have been watching you. 9. It is impossible. They can’t have left already. I was watching the door of the house.
в 6 возможнo might/could 6.Perhaps it was true, I am not sure. She might (OR could) have been ashamed to tell you the truth may тоже возможно