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Определите функции инфинитива и переведите предложения на язык: ( ) 1. то accelerate attainment of equilibrium, the air in the vessels can be circulated by a fan. 2. the soviet union was the first country to organize large-scale production of synthetic rubber. 3. we know this gas to be oxygen, also one of the constituents of air. 4. if minute droplets of one liquid are found to be suspended in the other, such a mixture is called an emulsion. 5. the experimental problem was to devise a method of reducing oxonium ion catalysis without proportionately reducing catalysis by weak acids. 6. inverted converters are rarely used. and are not to be recommended. 7. a material which breaks with little permanent deformation is said to be brittle. 8. the most serious difficulty encountered is that we have had to make use of equilibrium distribution functions in order to simplify the mathematical calculation. 9. the known volatility and oxide forming properties of polonium metal require the reaction to be carried out in a closed system and either in an inert atmosphere or in vacuum. 10. the assembly of the second section of the factory to produce isoprene has been completed.

1. То ускорить достижение равновесия, воздух в сосудах может быть распространен с вентилятора.
2. Советский Союз был первой страной для организации крупномасштабного производства синтетического каучука.
3. Мы знаем, что этот газ кислород, также одной из составляющих воздуха.
4. Если мельчайшие капельки одной жидкости оказываются взвешенными в другой, такая смесь называется эмульсией.
5. Экспериментальные задачи-разработать метод снижения оксониевого Иона катализа без соразмерного уменьшения катализа слабых кислот.
6. Перевернутый преобразователи используются редко. и не рекомендуется.
7. Материал, который разбивает с маленькой постоянной деформации называется ломкой.
8. Наиболее серьезной проблемой является то, что мы были вынуждены использовать равновесные функции распределения в целях упрощения математических расчетов.
9. Известные волатильности и формирования свойств оксид полония металла требуют реакции осуществляется в закрытой системе и в инертной атмосфере или в вакууме.
10. Сборка второй раздел завод по производству изопрена была завершена. - только перевод)
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ответ: halo (circle, disk or halo in greek) is the name of a group of optical phenomena in the atmosphere that arise as a result of refraction and reflection of light by ice crystals forming cirrus clouds and fogs.

the phenomena of the halo are very diverse: they look like rainbow (when refracting) and white (when reflecting) stripes, spots, arcs and circles in the sky. when observing a halo, it is necessary to cover the sun with an object or at least with your hand so as not to spoil your eyes (in most cases, when photographing, it is also advisable to close the sun). it is advisable to wear dark glasses, as individual elements of the halo are dazzlingly bright.

there are even signs associated with the halo: around the sun or moon, a halo is visible (a sign of worsening weather); in winter - white crowns of large diameter around the sun or moon mean that frosty weather will continue; the ring around the moon - to the wind (worsening weather). professional photographer yuri gnatyuk photographed a gorgeous halo observation on solovki.


4,7(96 оценок)
1 . During session I didn't go anywhere and didn't watch TV at all. I was engaged much and passed all examinations successfully.
2 . The book was much more interesting, than I expected. It is the most interesting book which I read recently.
3 . We discussed news which just received. It for us very important data.
4 . Hardly I came home as the friend called. He told me that returned from England yesterday.
5 . She was grateful to the parents. They made for it very much.
6 . We waited more than an hour before the bus came.
7 . If the sun doesn't shine, birds won't sing, and the world will be a boring, lifeless place.
8 . To help you? - Open a window and close a door, please. In the room it is stuffy.
9 . It will get good work if successfully passes all examinations. But I am not sure that it will be able to make it.
10 . I can tell you that our family will do on the eve of New year: the father will prepare a turkey with apples, mother will bake pie, and I will decorate a fir-tree.
11 . Us invited to participate in a meeting with foreign students. Many interesting questions will be discussed there. We have to be there at 3 o'clock.
12 . When I came, this problem was still discussed. Any decision it wasn't accepted. We had to wait when it declare.
13 . I was stopped by police because I went too quickly. I had to pay a penalty.
14 . We thought that questionnaires still fill, but they were already completed and lay on a table. There was no only my questionnaire.
15 . It isn't necessary to drive the car while you won't be 18 years old. — I am not going to do it.
16 . Our house is repaired already by half a year, and nobody knows when repair will end.
17 . The police doesn't think that the crime was committed by this person. Suspect someone else.
18 . She told that she is hurt awfully by the head this week. I think that it has a flu.
19 . She hopes that its new article will print by a weekend. Two of its articles are already published in this magazine.
20 . We didn't think that they will arrive so quickly. The room wasn't prepared for their arrival.
21 . The boy couldn't answer questions of the teacher. If he listened to it attentively, he would understand everything.
22 . Night was very cold. If you didn't close a window, we everything here would catch a cold. I have a high temperature and the throat hurts. I am afraid that I have quinsy. ~ don't worry, for the doctor already sent.
4,8(34 оценок)
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