1. He Thinking about it for three days.
2. If only we going home earlier today!
3. He is so angry because he quarreing with Michal all the morning.
4. How long you waiting for me?
5. Who being the main characters of this play?
6. Where you likeing to go for the week-end in winter?
7. The children running and singing merrily at the party last night.
8. The travelers attacking by lions that evening.
9. The girl faliled at her exam, you know.
10. They going home after they finish their work.
11. She practices the piano for the last two months.
12. I not gonna last night because it rainy.
13. English speaking all over the world.
14. I wish it being summer now.
2 прадед
3 прабабушка
4 внуки
5 внук
6 внук
7 внучка
8 правнуки