1. The company’s liabilities exceed its h. assets. 2. The a. construction company has contracted to build a new airport terminal. 3. He has put his redundancy pay into a j. consumer fund. 4. I manage a small f. advertising business. 5. What caused the l. machine to malfunction? 6. The fall in b. profits was a result of bad management. 7. The e. takeover bid was beaten by a $2.6 million management buyout. 8. A management by objectives system was introduced to assess k. productivity. 9. The company has taken on a new marketing d. manager. 10. Management information g. systems allow managers to plan production schedules and alter them if necessary.
My name is Eva. I am (твой возраст) years old and I live in Falenki. I collect stationery, for example, nice pens, colored pencils and notebooks with cute covers.I think that collecting stationery is very useful.These items will not lie idle, I can use them in school. Перевод, на всякий случай Меня зовут Ева. Мне (твой возраст) лет и я живу в поселке Фаленки. Я коллекционирую канцтовары,например, красивые ручки, цветные карандаши и тетради с милыми обложками. Я считаю, что коллекционирование канцтоваров очень полезно. В любой момент я смогу воспользоваться этими предметами в школе