The world's most famous surfer
13-year-old Bethany Hamilton lived in Hawaii and loved surfing. On the morning of October 31, 2003, she went out to surf with a few friends.
The day was sunny and the water was clear, but the surfers didn't see the tiger shark going close to them. Bethany was lying on her board when she felt intense pressure on her left arm - the shark attacked the girl and bit off her left arm.
Bethany's friends managed to make a tourniquet using a surfboard leash and quickly drove to the hospital. By the time she got to the hospital, she had lost a lot of blood, but the doctors treated her with success.
Three weeks later Bethany was back in the water. Two years later, she won a national title. Since that time she has won a lot of competitions and has participated in multiple public speaking events where she motivates people to live their life with more tenacity, courage and faith.
1. backgammon - a board game in which two players move their pieces around twenty-four triangular points according to the throw of dice
dominoes - the game played with small pieces marked with 0 - 6 dots (pips) in each half, which are laid down to form a line
crossword - a puzzle consisting of a grid of squares and blanks into which words crossing vertically and horizontally are written according to clues
a jigsaw puzzle - a game that requires the assembly of numerous small, often oddly shaped, interlocking and tessellating pieces
2. gardening
3. The fish was cooked - by the chef.
The cake was cut - with a knife.
The letter was written - with a pencil.
The dress was made - by the seamstress.
4. watch
5. stamps
They give me presents. I enjoy getting them. Most people have a birthday party on this day.
This year I have my birthday party at home. My parents and I prepared for this day. We invited my friends and relatives to the party.
I celebrated my birthday on Sunday. I got up early in the morning. My father and I went to the shop and to the market to buy everything we needed for the party.
My mother stayed at home. She made cakes and laid the table. At four o'clock my relatives and friends came to congratulate me and I was glad to see them. They brought flowers, books, sweets and presents. I thanked them all.
We had a good holiday dinner on this day. During our merry party we sang songs, danced, made jokes and spoke about our life, hobbies, and future.
I enjoyed my birthday party.
My Birthday is wonderful day for me!
Я родился (твой день рождения). День рождения — очень замечательный день для меня. Март — весенний месяц, и погода обычно теплая. Утром родители заходят ко мне и говорят: «С днем рождения!».
Они дарят мне подарки. Я люблю получать подарки. По случаю такого дня большинство людей проводят вечеринки.
В этом году вечеринка по случаю дня рождения проходила у меня дома. Мы с родителями подготовились к этому дню. Мы пригласили друзей и родственников на вечеринку.
Я отмечал свой день рождения в воскресенье. Я встал рано утром. Мы с отцом сходили в магазин и на рынок, купили все необходимое.
Мама осталась дома. Она испекла пироги и накрыла на стол. В четыре часа родственники и друзья приехали меня поздравить, и я был рад их видеть. Они принесли цветы, книги, конфеты и подарки. Я поблагодарил всех.
В этот день у нас был хороший праздничный обед. На веселой вечеринке мы пели песни, танцевали, шутили и говорили о своей жизни, увлечениях и будущем.
Мне очень понравилась вечеринка по случаю моего дня рождения.