Я решил(а) написать про Ворониных. Первый и самый старший это Николай Петрович- муж Галины Ивановны, отец Кости и Лени. Больше всего Николай Петрович любит есть . Главная фраза в его жизни -"Египетская сила!". Костю он называет Люсей, потому что, как он говорил в одной из серий, он всегда хотел дочку , но у него родились сыновья. Коля в некоторых сериях бездушный жестокий человек, а в других добрый и нежный. Следующая- это Галина Ивановна. Она мама Кости и Лени, свекровь Насти и Веры, жена Николая Петровича. Больше всего Галина Ивановна любит готовить. Как она во всех сериях говорит, очень любит Костю. Галина Ивановна всегда либо делает уборку, либо готовит. Как считает Вера, жена Кости, Галира Ивановна всегда лезет не в свои дела. Леня, во всех сериях мне как-то его жалко. Всегда себя она называет "неудачником". Он- брат Кости, сын Галины и Николая, муж Насти. Раньше он работал Миллиционером, потом подполковником, и после преподователем в университете по праву. Костя- он спортивный журналист. Любит футбол и свою жену Веру. Он всегда все делает не так как надо, а наоборот. Вера, жена Кости, любит выглядетт красивой, раньше работала дизайнером, теперь домохозяйка.
The inner world of person, his personality and uniqueness to a large extent influence on its development, and, of course, choice of the profession. Today there are a lot of professions, and any schoolboy, including me, is facing a difficult choice while deciding what activity I should get into, where study and where go to work. Work is a huge component of human life, in this regard, it is necessary to approach this question with heavy responsibility, not making hasty conclusions. When a man finds his vocation in life, work turns into a fascinating process which gives its best and productivity. Quite different when the situation is connected with those people, for whom the work has become heavy burden, plunging days in gray routine, which is directly reflected in their lives. It follows that the choice of profession is a huge responsibility, which is not only affects the life of a particular person, but also on the entire country. After all, if you think that all people are not on their own place, what we can talk about the economic prosperity. After many thoughts on the theme “choice of profession” I came to such a conclusion that today in the country there is a huge shortage of workers in the sphere of education. This was facilitated by the wrong policy of the state, which undermined the prestige of this significant profession for people. Nowadays, young people don't want to connect their life with this profession, and this is largely due to low wages and status of the profession. I hope that it is a temporary phenomenon and in the future this work will acquire another status – status of basic and fundamental profession, because it is impossible to imagine the prosperous society without quality basic education. But to achieve this, it is necessary that smart, highly moral people and people who are thinking about the future of the Russian will go into this specialty. In due time, President of the USA George Kennedy said: «our nation is not worth a more important task than distribution and improvement of educational opportunities for all our people. Education is the most profitable investment, which may make a society, and simultaneously it is the richest reward that it may be awarded». I sincerely hope that in our country people understand the importance of this question, because everything, that gives the teacher, school, institute accompanies us throughout the whole conscious life, and so that to dedicate one`s live with the educational sphere is the best solution for people who think not only about themselves, but about the future of their homeland.
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