I am a pupil of the 11-th form, I study at school number 9. I would like to tell your about our school life.
I go to school five days a week. Our classes start at 8 o'clock a. m. and last till 3 o'clock p.m. So we have 6 or 7 lessons a day. We study many different subjects: Russian, English, French, literatures, history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, programming and computer sciences.
Languages, literature and history are my favourite subjects. I make good marks in these subjects. The school year is divided into four terms, called quarters. It begins on the
-al emotional, dramatical, informational, real
-able enjoyable, remarkable
-ary imaginary, informatory, literary
-ed gifted, bored, educated, excited, interested, relaxed,
talented, suspended
-ful wonderful, powerful, successful
-ing exciting, boring, exploring, interesting, relaxing, thrilling
-ive imaginative, creative, educative, informative, inventive
-ous famous, adventurous, humorous, mysterious
-ment enjoyment, encouragement, excitement
-ist dramatist, humorist, novelist, realist
-ism realism
-er/-or thriller, adventurer, describer, educator, explorer, inventor, thriller
-tion imagination, description, education, emotion, exploration,
information, invention, relaxation, suspension.