И так сначала идёт вопросительное слово, а потом вс глагол, местоимение или имя, глагол и так далее. например What are you doing tonight? иногда в вопросах не бывает вс глагола поэтому вот второй пример Do you like chocolate? А ответы формируются по вопросам. Например Yes, I do/ No, I don't (don't =do not утверждает что нет ) это ответ на второй вопрос. На английском это называется yes no questions то есть вопросы на которых отвечают да или нет А ответ на первый вопрос это просто предложение например I am going to do my homework
1. By two o'clock the teacher had examined all the students. 2. On my way to school I remembered that I had left my report at home. 3. All my friend were glad to hear that I passed all the examinations successfully. 4. Poor Oliver lied unconscious on the spot where Sikes had left him. 5. He opened his eyes, looked around and tried to remember what happened to him. 6. All the passengers saw at once that the old man had traveled a great deal in his life. 7. By the time we had come to see him, he returned home. 8. During the holidays my friend visited the village where he had lived in his childhood. 9. When they entered the hall, the performance had already begun. 10. When I came home, my mother told me that she had received a letter from grandfather. 11. Where had you worked before you entered the institute? 12. He had studied French before he entered the university. 13. Lanny said that he got his education in Cape Town. 14. The boy wanted to act the main part in the play because he had organized the theatre. 15. Lanny didn't know who had attacked him in the darkness. 16. The girl was glad that she found a seat near the window. 17. Suddenly he remembered that he hadn't rung her up in the morning. 18. By the time the train reached the city, he made friends with many passengers. 19. When my uncle left, he hurried to the station to book a ticket. 20. She thought that Gert and Lanny had quarreled.