ответ:task1.Natural disasters like earthquakes, tornado, tsunami and floods happen more frequently nowadays. There are many reasons why they occur, but the main one is related to human activity on Earth which often has a negative impact on our environment.
All kinds of disasters are usually very damaging. Many dwellings, roads and even whole streets and cities are ruined. The number of victims usually terrifies as hundreds or even thousands of people get injured or die in disasters. However, each disaster has a different nature.
For example, an earthquake is the result of the tectonic plates’ movement which leads to the shaking of a certain area on land. Earthquakes destroy buildings and people usually become victims because they get stuck or killed under the rubble.
Tornado is also a natural disaster which looks like an enormous column of the wind which lifts cars, bicycles, furniture and many other things. It is also called a twister and it can be very dangerous if touches the surface of the ground or water.
Flood in its turn happens when rivers burst their banks. Most extended floods damage cities and wash away whole populated places. Tsunami is another natural disaster which arises as a series of huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes.
Thus, there are many natural disasters which are dangerous for all of us. We should be careful and treat our planet better in order not to die with it.
Complete the sentences according to the situation.Use one or two words in each space
1. Ask for more paper for your printer
Can I have __some more paper __ for my printer?
2. You have a problem. Ask for advice
Can you give me __some advice__?
3. You want to drink coffee (one cup), not tea. You don't want it black
I'd like __a coffee__ with __milk__
4. You would like to have chicken for dinner.
Let's buy __chicken__ for dinner tonight
5. Your friend has been fishing but you don't want to eat what she caught
I never eat __fish__
6. You're in a chocolate shop. You want to buy something for your friend
Would you like ___a chocolate__ with caramel?
My mother's father is my grandfather. (Отец моей матери -- мой дедушка)
My son's sister is my daughter. (Сестра моего сына -- моя дочь)
I'm his wife, he's my husband. (Я его жена,он мой муж)
My uncle's daughter is my cousin. (Дочь моего дяди -- моя кузина (двоюродная сестра)
I'm her husband, she's my wife. (Я её муж,она моя жена)
My son's daughter is my granddaughter. (Дочь моего сына -- моя внучка)
My cousin's mother is my aunt. (Мать моей кузины -- моя тётя)
My father's mother is my grandmother. (Мать моего отца -- моя бабушка)
My brother's son is my nephew. (Сын моего брата -- мой племянник)
My dad's brothers is my uncles. (Братья моего отца -- мои дяди)
My daughter's brother is my son. (Брат моей дочери -- мой сын)