My city: My city is big. It has a lot of shops, museums and of course, houses. My city is beautiful, I like it a lot. I don't want to left this good place. I have a lot of friends here. I think, to live in my city is the best present for my life! My school: I like my school, because I have the best classmates here. Days in school are funny and interesting. Sometimes, it's hard to study and I have a lot of homework. Some kids hate school, because they think, that it's boring. As I said, I don't think so.
Our familly comes From around the world Our hair is straight Our hair is curled Our eyes are brown Our eyes are blue Our skins are different colours too. Ауэ фэмили камз Фром эраунд зе ворлд Ауэ хэа из стрейт Ауэ хэа из кёрлд Ауэ айз а браун Ауэ айз а блю Ауэ скинс а дифферент калоз ту
We are girls and bous We are big and small We are young and old We are short and tall. We are everything That we can be And still we are A familly. Уи а гёрлз энд бойз Уи а биг энд смол Уи а янг энд олд Уи а шорт энд толл Уи а эврисин Зет уи кэн би Энд стил уи а э фэмили
We laugh and cry We work and play We help each other Every day The world is a lovely plaсe to be Because we are a family. Уи лаф энд край Уи вёрк энд плей Уи хэлп ич азе эвери дэй Зе ворлд из лавли плейс ту би Бекоз уи а э фэмили
от это если перевод !