Dear friend ………… , I hope you are well by the grace of the Almighty. I am well too. Please convey my regards to your parents. It’s been long since I received your last letter. So I have thought of writing this letter. As you know, our HSLC Examination will begin from 19th February and continue upto 9th March. After the examination, I will have ample time for travelling and sight-seeing. So, as soon as the examination is over, I have proposed to spend the holidays in my uncle’s house in Kolkata. There are various monuments and places to see in Kolkata such as Victoria Memorial, Vidyasagar Setu, Howrah Bridge, Botanical Garden, Birla Planetarium etc. I do hope you will accompany me. We will have great fun there. Kindly reply to this letter as soon as possible. Yours,
How I like to go to my grandparents in the village on a spring break. There is such freshness that you can sniff on days and nights. There my friends are animals: the dog Umka and Tim's cat. I'm very good at playing with them. I helped my grandmother and grandfather plow the garden. It is very exciting. I invite you, my dear friends, to visit you.
Как же я люблю на весенних каникулах ездить к бабушке с дедушкой в село. Там такая свежесть, что можно нюхать днями и ночами. Там мои друзья животные:собака Умка и кот Тима. Я очень хорошо с ними играюсь.Я бабушке с дедушкой вспахивать огород. Это очень увлекательно. Приглашаю вас, мои дорогие друзья, к себе.
Day 1 1) We usually go with my parents in the restaurant. But mom decided to cook Arabicfood. Comment: The mother should engaged in the production of poison =) 2) In the school were asked to write a text about World War II. I wrote -11) 3) My friends and I went to the cinema. Comment: I do not like melodrama.
Day 2 1) I had quarreled with my Dad. Comment: Good-weekly pocket money. 2) After receiving a hard 11 balls, I decided to relax. Comment: Why I call it when I'm not ready? 3) The best friend went to the village, and now I'm bored. Comment: why came theweekend? Day 3 1) She came to my grandmother. Comment: No comment = ( 2) Note - "listening to music in the classroom." Comment: I'm telling you that I have no luck at school, ( 3) Everything about the friends I've forgotten) People, I bought a new computer