Было уже поздно, когда близнецы с бабушкой и дедушкой добрались до Крикхауэлла. - Дедушка покажет вам вашу комнату, мальчики, - сказала бабушка. - Ужин будет на столе через несколько минут. "
- Пахнет замечательно, - сказал Джо, когда они вошли на кухню.
- Что ты готовишь?"
-"Коул мамгу" - ответила бабушка. - Это по-валлийски "бабушкин суп". Это суп из лука порея.
- Ты очень тихий, Дэниел, - сказал дедушка Томпсон.- С тобой все в порядке?" - Да, я в порядке. "
- У нас большие планы на завтра, - сказал дедушка Томпсон. Мы хотим утром поехать в Брекон-Биконс и поехать по железной дороге Брекон-Маунтин. А днем мы собираемся устроить пикник в замке Кэрфилли. "
2.asked Daniel if he all right
3.cawl mamgu (Grandma's soup)
4.very quiet
5.to drive to the Brecon Beacons
6.have a picnic at Caerphilly Castle
Tim Berners-Lee is a world famous scientist and a great inventor. But do you know what he invented? Tim was born in London in 1955. His parents were both mathematicians and computer scientists. When he was a boy, his hobby was electronics. He liked playing with different gadgets. He went to Emanuel School and then studied physics at Oxford University from 1973 to 1976.Tim was working at a large scientific laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland, when he invented the World Wide Web. He built the first Web browser and server in 1990. In 1991, he created the first website. The first web page address was http://info.cern. ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html, which had information about the WWW project.The World Wide Web didn’t make Tim rich. He gave his invention to the world so everyone can use it for free. He now works at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA and at the University of Southampton in the UK. He and his family live in America. Tim has many awards and prizes for his work. In 1999, Time magazine included him in its list of the 100 most important people of the 20th century. Queen Elizabeth II gave him a knighthood in 1994, so he is now Sir Tim Berners-Lee. He came first in a list of the top living cleverest people in 2007. So next time you look at a website, remember to thank Tim Berners-Lee!
Many years ago a young doctor began to write stories about a man who was a detective. Readers liked his stories because they were very interesting and the doctor decided to become a writer. The doctor was Conan Doyle and he wrote about Sherlock Holmes.
Conan Doyle wrote his first story about Sherlock Holmes in 1887. In this story the detective meets his friend Dr. Watson. Holmes and Watson lived at 221 В Baker Street in London.