The Imperial Eagle. - Императорский орел.
It has got a small head and blue eyes, and a sharp black and yellow beak. - У него маленькая голова и голубые глаза, острый черно-желтый клюв.
It has long wings. It has big legs and feet. It can see very well and it has got
sharp claws to catch small animals. - У него длинные крылья. У него большие ноги и стопы. Он может видеть очень хорошо и у него острые когти, чтобы ловить маленьких животных.
It has got brown feathers with bits of white. It has got a dark grey tail.
- У него коричневые перья с проблесками белого цвета.
It lives in Europe, Russia, Greece and Ukraine. It lives in open spaces,
wetlands, meadows, etc. - Встречается в Европе, России, Греции и в Украине.
Он живет на открытых пространствах, водно-болотных угодьях, лугах…
It catches and eats small mammals like rabbits, marmots, ducks and lambs. It eats snakes, too. - Он ловит и ест маленьких млекопитающих: кроликов, сусликов, уток и ягнят. Он также ест змей.
When I think of visual images connected with different places, I see remarkable buildings and monuments. From ancient times people have created works of art to illustrate significant events. Monuments and sculptures are among these creations. They’ve been formed for different purposes. Some monuments were worshipped by tribal people, some were meant to show the power of nation, some were connected with memorable events.
There are many monuments or statues in Russian cities, each conveying certain meaning. I would like to tell you a little bit about the famous statue of Pushkin in the center of Moscow.