Task 1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в past simple.
1.You did not pay for your coffee.
2. He found his friends in the park an hour ago.
3. Did they keep our photo in the album? Yes, they did.
4. I lost my friend's telephone number yesterday.
5. They drunk a lot of milk at their Granny's cottage last summer.
6. The Browns leaved for the holiday last night.
7. She did not bring her books last lesson.
8. Did you send the invitation to Peter? No, I didn`t.
Task 2. Заполните пропуски, поставив глаголы в past simple.
become, build, choose, have, run, sing, sit, win.
1. Jack chose his best friends for the team.
2. Helen had dinner at her new friend's house.
3. They finished school and then they became famous singers.
4. Jack built a new house for his dog.
5. Peter won the race and I was happy.
6. Children sat at the desks and listened to the teacher.
7. We run to school because it was a rainy day.
8. The singer sang seven songs at the concert.
Task 3. Составьте предложения, используя past simple.
1. I did not tell them my problem.
2. Helen taught Russian in England.
3. Did he put his books on your desk?
4. He understood his friend's question.
5. Bob thought of a great idea.
6. Mike cought the ball.
7.They knew my name.
8. Dis you lose the key last Friday?
9. Father drove the car very fast last morning.
10.Ben beat his friend in the race.
Косвенная речь — синтаксический введения в свою речь чужой речи с сохранением основного содержания высказывания, представленной как пояснительная придаточная часть сложноподчинённого предложения и находящейся в формальной зависимости от фразы передающего её лица.Чаще всего используется said, told,ask this, these - that, those, here - there , now - then , today -that day , tomorrow - the next day , yesterday - the day before , ago - before , last - the previous , next - the following Правило согласования времён вступают в силу, если в главной части сложного предложения, глагол употребляется в форме времени. В таком случае глагол придаточного также употребляется в одной из форм времени.Те из них, которые имеют формы времени, изменятся в косвенной речи, например: «can» – «could», «may» – might», «have (to)» – «had (to)» – вот практически и все. Остальные при переходе в косвенную речь не меняются: must, ought и др.Пояснення: