Это что написать надо ? Ну окей ... - Привет сыночек ! Ну что как там у тебя в школе ? - Нормально ... -Чего ты такой грустный ? - Да так - Что случилось ?! -Подожди тут у меня вторая линия ... Так ты опять плохо в школе вёл себя ! - Ну я не виноват... Это всё Люся ! -Дома поговорим ! И звонок обрывается . Перевод :
Is it necessary to write? OK ... - Hi, son! Well, whatever you have in your school? - Fine ... -What Are you so sad? - Yes, so - What happened ?! -Wait Here I have a second line ... So you're sick again at school behaved! - Well, I'm not guilty ... It's Lucy! -At Home talk! And the call is dropped.
I like winter, especially because of winter holidays. I usually spend it doing some winter sport, but this time I'm staying at home. Home has a connotation of comfort, you know. It's very cosily and comfortably in my home, I like the atmosphere so bad! So, this time I'm going to listen to some music, to spend the time with my parents and other relatives. Last year I was at my granny's place, I only ate and slept there. I don't want it to be again, so now I'm not going to leave untill my holudays end.
In 1725, a French ship, Le Chameau, struck a rock in a stormy sea. A big hole cuted in the bottom of the ship and it went down off the shore of Nova Scotia. On board the ship there were 300,000 gold and silver coins. For many years they lied at the bottom of the deep sea. One summer Alex Storm and Dave MacEachern began to dive the freezing waters off Nova Scotia. They had to fight big waves and strong currents. Big sharks saw swimming around them. When the two friends got out of the water, they were blue with cold and shaked. On September 22, Alex and Dave were ready to dive again. They didn’t expect anything to find this time. They were down so many times before. “Perhaps we ought to give up,” Alex said. They dived again and suddenly they could not believe their eyes. “Look! We are swimming over thousands of coins. They pile row on row,” Dave said. The excited men to pick the coins up in their hands and went to the top.
- Привет сыночек ! Ну что как там у тебя в школе ?
- Нормально ...
-Чего ты такой грустный ?
- Да так
- Что случилось ?!
-Подожди тут у меня вторая линия ... Так ты опять плохо в школе вёл себя !
- Ну я не виноват... Это всё Люся !
-Дома поговорим ! И звонок обрывается .
Перевод :
Is it necessary to write? OK ... - Hi, son! Well, whatever you have in your school? - Fine ... -What Are you so sad? - Yes, so - What happened ?! -Wait Here I have a second line ... So you're sick again at school behaved! - Well, I'm not guilty ... It's Lucy! -At Home talk! And the call is dropped.