On May 14, 2010 in the frames of an international cooperation program the Mogilev FEZ administration was visited by a Danish delegation from Aarhus.
Regional centers of the Republic of Belarus are the following cities: Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Grodno, Brest.
Since early 2006 such measurements have started in Minsk and Mogilev, which have one station each.
The fascist airforce is extending the range of operations of its bombers, and is bombing Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, Kiev, Odessa and Sebastopol.Due to availability of free production facilities, situated at the territory of Free Economic Zone "Mogilev" with its special preferential tax and duty treatment OAO "Mogilevkhimvolokno" has a high investment potential.
Six mobile diagnostic laboratories - three in Belarus (Brest, Gomel and Mogilev), two in Ukraine (Rivne and Zhytomyr) and one in the Russian Federation (Bryansk) - render those services.
Work Kseni Kokorinoy are found in Chuvash state artistic museum (city Cheboksary, Chuvashiya), Oblastnom artistic museum Maslenikova (city Mogilev, Belorussia), as well as in quotient collection to Russia.
Today's Mogilev is a large industrial center of the Republic. It is situated in the eastern part of Belarus.
Hotel "Slavyanskaya 2" in Mogilev has been opened on the website belhotel.by.
Ukraine supports the One China Policy and opposes Taiwan's independence, according to statement signed by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Chinese Leader Hu Jintao in Beijing on Thursday.
На катке
Аист и соловей
Валентин Берестов
Было время, когда птицы не умели петь.
И вдруг они узнали, что в одной далёкой стране живёт старый, мудрый человек, который учит музыке.
Тогда птицы послали к нему Аиста и Соловья проверить, так ли это.
Аист очень торопился. Ему не терпелось стать первым в мире музыкантом.
Он так спешил, что вбежал к мудрецу и даже в дверь не постучался, не поздоровался со стариком, и изо всех сил крикнул ему прямо в ухо:
— Эй, старикан! Ну-ка, научи меня музыке!
Но мудрец решил сначала поучить его вежливости.
Он вывел Аиста за порог, постучал в дверь и сказал:
— Надо делать вот так.
— Всё ясно! — обрадовался Аист.
— Это и есть музыка? — и улетел, чтобы поскорее удивить мир своим искусством.
Соловей на своих маленьких крыльях прилетел позже.
Он робко постучался в дверь, поздоровался, попросил прощения за беспокойство и сказал, что ему очень хочется учиться музыке.
Мудрецу понравилась приветливая птица. И он обучил соловья всему, что знал сам.
С тех пор скромный Соловей стал лучшим в мире певцом.
А чудак Аист умеет только стучать клювом. Да ещё хвалится и учит других птиц:
— Эй, слышите? Надо делать вот так, вот так! Это и есть настоящая музыка! Если не верите, спросите старого мудреца.
At the rink
The stork and the Nightingale
Valentin Berestov
There was a time when birds could not sing.
And suddenly they learned, that in one a faraway country lives the old, wise man, which teaches music.
Then the birds were sent to him of the Stork and the Nightingale to check this out.
The stork was in a hurry. He couldn't wait to be the first musician in the world.
He was in such a hurry that he ran to the sage and did not even knock at the door, did not greet the old man, and with all his strength shouted in his ear:
— Hey, old man! Come on, teach me music!
But sage decided to teach him a courtesy call.
He led the Stork out the door, knocked on the door and said,:
— You have to do this.
— All right! the Stork rejoiced.
Is that music? — and flew away to quickly surprise the world with his art.
Nightingale on their small wings had flown later.
He knocked timidly on the door, said Hello, apologized for the trouble and said that he really wanted to learn music.
The sage liked the friendly bird. And he taught the Nightingale everything he knew.
Since then, the modest Nightingale became the world's best singer.
And the eccentric Stork can only knock with his beak. Yes still boasts and teaches other birds:
Hey, do you hear? You have to do this, this! This is real music! If you don't believe me, ask the old sage.
My mother brought some tea from India.
A test is written by Tom.