My weekends are very busy days. On Saturday I usually get up early and do my chores. Then I go for a walk. I usually do my homework in the evening. I like to sleep longer on Sunday. I play computer games in the morning. In the evening I usually go shopping with my parents. Sometimes we go to the country. Weekends for me are just a change of activity. It's not rest.
Мои выходные - очень напряжённые дни. В субботу я обычно встаю рано и делаю свою работу по дому. Потом я иду гулять. Я обычно делаю домашнее задание вечером. В воскресенье я люблю поспать подольше. Утром я играю в компьютерные игры. Вечером я обычно хожу по магазинам с родителями. Иногда мы едем на дачу. Выходные для меня-это просто смена деятельности. Это не отдых.
d) 1. His eyes (were) large and blue, but the blue (was) very pale, and they looked rather tired already. 2. The French (see) these things differently from us. 3. How foolish the old (were), thinking they could tell what the young felt. 4. Some of the wounded (were) noisy, but most (were) quiet. 5. Everybody ( knows) that the poor (are) splendid to one another. 6. Now and again, the quiet (was) broken by the crack-cracking of musket fire in the last line of defences. 7. Every elector thinks his own good (is) the good of the country.