Yest' pyat' chelovek v moyey sem'ye. Moya mama i papa, dve sestry i ya. Odna sestra starshe menya, a drugaya molozhe. Moyu starshuyu sestru zovut Vanida. Yey 15 let. Ona idet v shkolu Satri. Ona dobraya i pomogayet mne s domashnim zadaniyem. Moyu mladshuyu sestru zovut Nitima. Yey vosem' let, i ona uchitsya v toy zhe shkole, chto i ya. Mne nravitsya draznit' yeye, no ya ne dumayu, chto yey eto nravitsya. Moi roditeli oba vrachi v nashey mestnoy bol'nitse. YA ochen' gorzhus' imi, potomu chto oni pomogayut lyudyam stat' luchshe.
1) Who likes to spend some time in the country or at the seaside in summer?
2)What do most british families like?
3)When do most british families like to spend some time in the country or at the seaside?
4)Where do most british families like to spend some time in summer?
5)Why do most british families spend some time in the country or at the seaside in summer?
6) Most british families like to spend some time in the country or at the seaside in summer, don't they?
7) Do most british families like to spend some time in the country or at the seaside in summer?
8) Do most british families like to spend some time in summer in the country or at the seaside?
the best