To capital - 863 years. Date not round, therefore from magnificent celebrations have refused. However, the program of all equally was sated: traditional national гуляния, concerts. And for a holiday have dated opening a museum and a palace.
They from Tula, Ulyanovsk, Krasnodar, Tyumen and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk... But feel muscovites, therefore and congratulate capital from the bottom of the heart. 40 thousand students, having fun and being pleased, have passed today on streets of city which at once and for a long time became for them the family
Hello, Jane!
It was really nice to hear from you so soon! Happy birthday again and I am glad that you finally got a kitten you had wanted so much.
You want to know about my family duties? Well, I can tell you, that I have a lot of them. I always help my mother to cook breakfast and to lay the table in the morning. After that I clean the kitchen and wash all the dishes. I make my bed, clean my room, vacuum all the carpets in the house and wash the floor. Very often my mother asks me to clean the windows. I really hate to do this! The only thing I like to do - is to water the flowers. Frankly speaking, I don't like to do anything about the house, but I understand that my mother needs some help. She works almost every day and it is very difficult for her to come home from work and to clean all the mess after us. So, no matter how much I don't like to do house work, I try to help my mother.
I hope that next time you will not miss your fitness class.
Take care,
Это было забавно потому,что во время прибывания в чужой стране у Малькольма появился смешной акцент. Это нравилось всем, и родственники все время просили его что-нибудь сказать ради смеха