1 My friends goes to school by bus.
2 My dad drives football on television every
3 My parents gets up at 7.30 a.m.
4 My mum watches The Simpsons!
5 I listen to music after school every day.
6 Jenny studies medicine at university.
7 My brother loves a big car.1.
1 I like football but I don't likes basketball.
2 On Saturday I don't gets up (get up) early. I stay in
3 I don’t go to school by bus. I walkes .
4 My brother listen to rock music. He
hates it.
5 My sister likes sport. She thinks it’s
6 My classmates workes hard. The
teacher is very good.
7 My cousin lives in France and he speakes
I get up every morning at 7.00 a.m.
After breakfast I go to school. My mum
drives me in the car. My brother, Tim, 4doesn't
go to school. He’s a baby. My mum 5stays at
home with Tim. She 6doesn't go to work.
1.B; 2.C; 3.C; 4.A; 5.B
1.go; 2.take; 3.cook; 4.do; 5.clean
Some people say that it is easier to make friends than to keep them, whereas others say that it is not true. They consider keeping friends as an easier job.
In my opinion it is easier to make new friends than to keep good relationship with the old ones. First of all, making new friends takes less time. For example, one can go to a club and make a lot of new friends in a few hours. Secondly, it is easier to impress people when a person just meets them for the first time. For instance, people tend to show only good qualities in the beginning of any relationship. They are always polite, they smile and are always ready to help.
At the same time there are some people who think that it is easier to keep friends than to make them. They say that it is really hard to come up to a stranger and start a conversation. There is also a big chance to meet a person with completely different interests who people can hardly get along with.
I my opinion those people are just too shy to talk to a stranger. In order to keep good relationship one should have qualities like tolerance and understanding that are hard to find nowadays.
In conclusion I would like to say that it is not very easy to make new friends or to keep them. Yet, choosing between what is easier I would say that making new friends is easier than keeping current friends. Making new friends takes less time and effort, patience and willingness to compromise than keeping current friends.
Объяснение: сори если не 200 слов(
1. обязанность соблюдать КРФ и з-ны, ст. 15, ч. 2
2. обязанность каждого платить з-но установленные налоги и сборы, ст. 57. З-ны, устанавл. новые налоги и ухудшающие положение налогоплат. обратной силы не имеют.
3. обязан. каждого охранять природу и окр. среду, бережно относиться к прир. богатствам.
4. защита Отечества является долгом и обязанностью гр-на РФ, ст. 59, ч. 2.
Гражданин РФ несет воинскую службу в соответствии с ФЗ.
В соотв. с З-ном "О воинской обязанности и в/с" от 11 ф. 93 г. гр-н мужского пола в возрасте от 18 до 27 лет, состоящие или обязанные состоять на воинском учете, не имеющие право на освобождение или отсрочку призыва на ВС подлежит призыву на ВС на срок 24-12 месяцев.
В настоящее время готовится реформа об армии на переводе на профессион. основу.