Summer - the best time. This is a long vacation, sun, river, sea coast, a favorite book and the opportunity to get up when I want to, not when mom wakes. This summer was for me the most wonderful. It was the most wonderful summer vacation. Summer vacation of my dreams It all started obыknovenno. I was sent to her grandmother in another city. Where I spent a whole month. No, we can not say that this part of the vacation was not interesting. My grandmother good. Every day we went with her on that - any tour, she took me to the river and hell every day something tasty. Yes, it's good, but so is every beginning of my summer vacation But what happened then, that it was really interesting and unforgettable. When I returned from my grandmother, my parents prepared me a real surprise. For the good end of the school year I bought a ticket to the summer camp for 2 streams, ie before the end of summer. But this was no camp outside the city, it was the "Artek". переклад
Літо – краща пора. Це довгі канікули, сонце, річка, морське узбережжя, улюблена книжка й можливість вставати тоді, коли я захочу, а не коли мама розбудить. Це літо стало для мене самим чудовим. Це були самі прекрасні літні канікули. Літні канікули моєї мрії
Почалося все обыкновенно. Мене відправили до бабусі в інше місто. Де я провела цілий місяць. Ні, не можна сказати, що ця частина канікул не була цікавою. Бабуся в мене гарна. Ми щодня ходили з нею на які – небудь екскурсії, вона водила мене на річку й щодня пекла щось смачне. Так, це добре, але так проходить початок моїх кожних літніх канікул
А от що трапилося далі, от це було дійсно цікаво й незабутнє. Коли я вернулася від бабусі, мої батьки приготували мені справжній сюрприз. За гарне закінчення навчального року мені купили путівку в літній табір на 2 потоки, тобто до закінчення літа. Але це був не простий табір за містом, це був «Артек».
На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкHow I Spent Winter HolidaysКак я провел зимние каникулыAll schoolchildren look forward to having long holidays and I’m no exception. My favourite holidays are in summer and winter. Perhaps, winter holidays are even better, because it’s also the time for Christmas and New Year celebrations. Everyone is in cheerful mood, houses and stores in the streets are richly decorated and you get to receive lots of presents. My winter holidays have started almost a week before the New Year. I didn’t have to attend school and I could sleep long hours. On the New Year Eve my parents decided we should visit our relatives in Voronezh, so we went there. It took approximately five hours by train. My aunt and uncle were happy to see us. They were getting ready for New Year dinner and my mum decided to help them. Meanwhile, me and my dad went shopping for presents and some decorations. Aunt Alice’s house has already been nicely decorated and had two Christmas tree. One was inside the house and one outside. Nevertheless, my dad decided to buy some more colourful toys, postcards and tinsel. When we returned, dinner was ready and everybody was waiting for us. It was a wonderful day. I got to play with my cousins and their friends. We spent three more days in Voronezh. After such a joyful trip it seemed to be boring at home. However, I wanted to spend my holidays usefully. Luckily, this winter was snowy and I could go skiing with some friends. Our teacher of literature has set special homework before the holidays, so I had to find some time to read books. Soon it was time to get back to school.
1. With whom did you discuss, 2. I have seen. 3. E entered, I saw, my mother was standing, cutting, she was cooking. 4. I heard, I ran, saw, a child was lying, crying, what has happened, why are you crying, have you hurt. 5. They went. 6. They have been. 7. He came, had, read, began. 8. When did your friend return, she returned, did you go, I didn't, I was. 9. Has your brother returned, he came. 10. Have you been, when were you, I was. 11. Where is your brother, he has just come, he is taking. 12. I saw, I understood, he was working, he was writing, did not notice. 13. I came, the children were running and singing, we have learnt. 14. The young man entered, she looked, what do you want, she said, why have you come. 15. It was raining, I left, I returned, put, started. 16. Are you working, I am preparing. 17. That is, it is, I've just taken. 18. Where did you learn. 19. Have they already thought, have they bought, Mark has just ordered, he has mentioned, he hasn't ordered, he has thought, the shop has charged. 20. Why are you shivering, I am shivering, I am. 21. I have sprained. 22. A world-famous violinist is playing. 23. The children were playing.
Літо – краща пора. Це довгі канікули, сонце, річка, морське узбережжя, улюблена книжка й можливість вставати тоді, коли я захочу, а не коли мама розбудить. Це літо стало для мене самим чудовим. Це були самі прекрасні літні канікули. Літні канікули моєї мрії
Почалося все обыкновенно. Мене відправили до бабусі в інше місто. Де я провела цілий місяць. Ні, не можна сказати, що ця частина канікул не була цікавою. Бабуся в мене гарна. Ми щодня ходили з нею на які – небудь екскурсії, вона водила мене на річку й щодня пекла щось смачне. Так, це добре, але так проходить початок моїх кожних літніх канікул
А от що трапилося далі, от це було дійсно цікаво й незабутнє. Коли я вернулася від бабусі, мої батьки приготували мені справжній сюрприз. За гарне закінчення навчального року мені купили путівку в літній табір на 2 потоки, тобто до закінчення літа. Але це був не простий табір за містом, це був «Артек».