It is very popular to do sport exercises in Britan. Many teenagers likes sport in UK. The most popular british sport is golf. In British schools you can find a lot of sport sections.
I live in Samara. Samara is a beautiful city, Samara has a lot of interesting places.My favorite places in Samara: Embankment of the Volga, Kuibyshev Square, Gagarin Park.But I love this Volga Embankment is a very beautiful place.In Samara, a lot of shops large and small, parks, theaters, schools.Our Samara has experienced a lot of things: the Great Patriotic War.Samara fought in World War II for his country (Russia).How much blood spilled Samara, he suffered much pain. In Samara, strong, strong, friendly people. I am proud of their city and love Samara!
Present simple (настоящее простое время) Это время выражает то, что мы делаем всегда, обычно, каждый день, иногда, часто. В утверждениях и вопроспх используем вс глагол Do; со всеми местоимениями, кроме: (he, she, it) Например: Я улыбаюсь каждый день + I smile every day - I don't smile every day ? Do I smile every day?
Когда задаем вопрос вс глагол выносим вперед.
! Но, когда мы видим местоимения: She He It
В утвердительном предложении к глаголу добавляем букву "s". ! В вопросах и отрицаниях мы не приписываем к глаголу "s". В отрицаниях с этими местоимениями используем doesn't Например: + He smiles every day - He doesn't smile every day ? Does he smile every day?
Many teenagers likes sport in UK.
The most popular british sport is golf.
In British schools you can find a lot of sport sections.