На верхние вопросы:
1.Чтобы расслабится, слушаю музыку. To relax, I listen to music.
Да, я слушаю музыку. Yes, I listen to music
2.Мне очень музыка важно, чтобы расслабится или просто послушать. It is very important for me to relax or just
3. Я не умею играть на музыкальном инструменте, но мне это интересно, и в будущем хочу научится, хотя бы на одном играть. I don't know how to play a musical instrument
4. Я не часто хочу на концерте, но когда есть свободное время, то да, хожу. I don't often want to a concert but when I have free time yes I go.
5. Мне нравится, многие. Но сейчас не вспомню. I like many people. But now I don't remember.
На нижние вопросы (правда/ложь)
1.Правда. True
2.Ложь/Не сказано. False/Not said
3. Ложь/Не сказано. False/Not said
4. Ложь/Не сказано. False/Not said
5. Правда. True
6. Правда. True
7. Ложь/Не сказано. False/Not said
8. Не сказано. Not said
9. Не сказано. Not said
10. Не сказано. Not said
(Надо там в ниже вопросы ответить Правда или ложь, но там большинство "Не сказано", а не сказано, мы не можем считать за ложь)
1. а) Tim was very exhausted. He tried keeping his eyes open, but he couldn't
b) James needed to borrow some money. He tried
to ask his best friend, but he was short of money, too.
c) Kids tried to put
the fireout but didn't succeed. Finally,someone called the firebrigade.
d) Kate rang the doorbell, but nobody answered. Then she tried
to knock on the door, but there was still nothing.
e) .A baby tried to
reach the toy on the table, but he wasn't tall enough.
f) Could you leave my room for some time? I'm trying to concentrate
а)Our grandparents aren't able to look after themselves anymore. They need looking after.
b) Your hair is getting too long. It needs to cut
c) There is no need
in ironing my skirt. It looks nice and doesn't need
d) My coat is dirty. It needs cleaning
e) We worked hard and need a rest now. We want to
go away to a warm country for a short break.