If I had a chose, I would most likely live in a big modern city. It's populated streets and moderness gives it charm. It feels great to live in a huge city, you never feel alone! And there is always so much to do, so many things to see, you just can't get bored. Of course though there are down sides to living in the city. Some of them are that there is much more pollution, especially compared to the country side. During the summer in big cities it can get overwhelmingly hot, and in result many citizens can get heat stroke. There is also the increase in diseases, such as lung disease, which is due to the fact that there are a lot of smokers in the city. The city can also be stressful.
But nonetheless, I still would enjoy living in one! :
Напишу то что помню
Cinema is really one of the greatest inventions. It gives knowledge, pleasure and entertainment to cinema-goers.
There are thousands of films: films for children, teenagers, or grown-ups, produced in countries all over the world. There are historical films, scientific films, horrors, comedies, cartoons,and others.
Initially all cinema was black and white, but nowadays you can see multicolor, or even 3D cinema!
Cinema-goers admire the art of scriptwriters, directors, and operators, marvellous playing of favorite actors and actresses.
2 eggs
1 green onion, chopped
2 cup of water
1 piece of butter
1 prebaked mini pizza crust
1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup pizza sauce
12 slices pepperoni
How to do:
In a small bowl, whisk the eggs, onion and water. In a small skillet, heat butter until hot. Add egg mixture; cook and stir over medium heat until eggs are partially set.
Place the crust on an ungreased baking sheet. Sprinkle with about 2 tablespoons cheese and drizzle with about 2 tablespoons pizza sauce. Top with scrambled egg mixture. Drizzle with remaining pizza sauce; sprinkle with remaining cheese. Top with pepperoni.
Bake at 200° for 10-12 minutes or until crust is slightly crisp. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.
2 яйца
1 зеленый лук, нарезанный
2 стакана воды
1 кусок масла
1 предварительно запеченная корочка мини-пиццы
1/3 стакана тертого сыра чеддер
1/4 чашки соуса для пиццы
12 ломтиков пепперони
Как сделать:
В маленькой миске взбейте яйца, лук и воду. В небольшой сковороде разогрейте сливочное масло до горячего. Добавьте яичную смесь; варить и размешивать на среднем огне, пока яйца не будут частично отверждены.
Поместите корку на не смазанный маслом противень. Посыпать примерно 2 столовыми ложками сыра и сбрызнуть примерно 2 столовыми ложками соуса для пиццы. Вершина с яичницей. Полить оставшимся соусом для пиццы; посыпать оставшимся сыром. Вершина с пепперони.
Выпекать при 200 ° в течение 10-12 минут или пока корочка не станет слегка хрустящей. Дайте постоять 5 минут перед подачей на стол.