Dear God! How do you? Probably a lot of work for you! I'm sorry that I'm distracting, but I want to tell you about life! Our class is very large. There are as many as 30 Neanderthals. Spend time with them? No, really. I do not want to spend a minute with these assholes. I spent vacations in the cemetery reflecting on the meaning of life. Your eternal admirer.
Дорогой Бог! Как ты? Наверно много у тебя работы! Прости что отвлекаю, но хочу рассказать тебе о жизни! Наш класс очень большой. Там целых 30 неондертальцев. Проводить с ними время? Нет уж. Не хочу не они минуты оставаться с этими придурками. Каникулы я провела на кладбище размышляя о сысле жизни. Твой вечный поклонник.
I don't like talking about bad parts of my life, but if you're so asking for it...
It happened five years ago. By that time I had already written the essay, and breethed freely. I was walking along the street in high spirits, and didn't think about the reality at all. Suddenly I fell onto ground, and then I realised that I had collided with a man, was carrying a lot of papers. I almost burned with shame, fortunalety, there were a few people on the street and seemed like no one noticed this incident. I helped nothing-understanding man to collect his papers and quickly race behind the corner. Who knew that one of the greatest days would become one of the most unpleasant?
ответ:1) 5*2=10(кг) - рябины
2) 10+5=15 (кг) - всего
ответ: всего школьники заготовили 15 кг семян