I'm writing from Egypt. I'm staying in the hotel "Cleopatra" in Cairo. It is very interesting here. I'm itching to tell you about everything!
It's very hot here. I'm spend a tot of time on the beach. I met Iren and George here whom we met in England. They send you greetings. On the beach we play volleyball and water polo. My friends and I are doing scuba diving and we are engaged in surfing. It's amazing! Yesterday I saw the piramids. Dusty tombs, magnificent temples, treasuries, mysterious mumies shocked me! I learnt many interesting things in the history or Egypt.
I bought some souvenirs, took many pictures to show you. I'm having a good time! It's a pity that you couldn't do with me. Take care.
ЭКСПО ВЕКА В СЕВИЛЬЕ Король Испании Хуан Карлос открыл Expo’92, крупнейших универсальных экспозиции 20-го века, в апреле 1992 года. Это обойдется в $285 млн., и это отмечали 500-annuversary Христофора Колумба, открытие Америки, и пять веков научно-технического прогресса Испания выбрала небольшой остров близ Севильи, как расположение Expo’92 из-за исторических связей с Columbus. Люди верят, что он провел десять лет своей жизни в красивый монастырь на острове и написал четыре автобиографические книги. С выбором Севильи для Expo’92, Испания решился на крупный инвестиционный проект в Андалусии. Строительные работы для этого projet потребовалось десять лет, и работало более 20 000 работников. Это обойдется в $7,5 млрд и предоставил новые автомагистрали, высокоскоростной железной дороги в Мадриде, и очень современные системы телекоммуникаций. Севилья получила новые отели и квартиры, новый Международный аэропорт, и его первой оперы.
A sailor came to his native village from sea. His parents and relatives gathered around him to listen to his adventures. And the sailor began to boast: "I was in many countries and saw a lot of strange things. Once our ship got to a sea of milk, in the middle of which there was a mountain of sugar and an island of chese. And when we were in the Pacific Ocean we saw a flying fish. The flying fish can fly for a long time when the enemies are after them". Then hшs mother said:"I can believe that there are seas of milk and islands of cheese, but I can not believe in flying fish, son".
I'm writing from Egypt. I'm staying in the hotel "Cleopatra" in Cairo. It is very interesting here. I'm itching to tell you about everything!
It's very hot here. I'm spend a tot of time on the beach. I met Iren and George here whom we met in England. They send you greetings. On the beach we play volleyball and water polo. My friends and I are doing scuba diving and we are engaged in surfing. It's amazing! Yesterday I saw the piramids. Dusty tombs, magnificent temples, treasuries, mysterious mumies shocked me! I learnt many interesting things in the history or Egypt.
I bought some souvenirs, took many pictures to show you. I'm having a good time! It's a pity that you couldn't do with me. Take care.