He leaves the club where he works at 6 every morning When it rains the roof leaks.
Does she read much?
I don’t use public transport.
He doesn’t teach at school, he is a doctor. It often snows in January. It goes in one ear and out through the other. Cheerful people live longer. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.
Robert’s father and elder brother work on an oil rig. They get up at the same time every day and do the same work every day. Sometimes Robert’s father feels sad because he doesn’t see his family for weeks. He often sends e-mails to his family. He likes watching films. He goes to the small cinema on the oil rig and watches a film. He doesn’t like watching movies on television. Robert’s brother’s name is Dave. He has his own small room on the oil rig. There is a table and a chair on the right of the door and there is a bed along the wall. Dave likes listening to music. He has got an MP3 player and lots of CDs. He often goes to the gym and does some exercises. Dave enjoys texting friends on his mobile phone.
Essay: "Computers: A blessing or a curse?" Computers have become an essential thing in our lives. Some people appreciate the invention of computers and others do not. Most people can't even imagine their lives without the computer. Checking the weather on your phone or tablet seems like an everyday thing but just a few years ago it wasn't. It's incredible how far science has gone in this small amount of time. I personally think that computer is a blessing. A lot of things can be done a lot faster with the invention of computers. For example, computers do extremely hard maths in matters of a second! These machines can even generate incredibly large algorithms those can do impossible things, we thought! Computers can store most of the books, films or other culture on their hard-disks which take minimal space in your flat. Previously, you had to go to libraries, and now you can just type anything you want to find in the search engine, and you will get it as fast as you possibly can!On the other hand, if you play or work on the computer for too long, your eyes would be hurt and your eyesight would be lowered. Moreover, surfing the Net always wastes an enormous amount of time, there is a lot of propaganda and adverts everywhere on the Internet.That is right, I agree that people mustn't sit in front of the screen for too long or it'd be harmful to your health.To sum up, I think that invention of the computer is a critical moment in our history. For sure, computers have a lot more pros than cons, but you shouldn't spend too much time in front of a computer or it'd be bad for your health, so, despite all the disadvantages that computer has, I'd consider it as a blessing.
A lot of subcultures were appearing in former USSR members right after the breakup of the USSR. There were a lot of them. For example, hippies, gopniks, rockers or etc. I want to tell you about the hippies. I don't know why, but I favor them the most. Hippies were in USSR since early sixties. They wore torn jeans, string bracelets (fer-nee-chkee in Russian) and bandanas on their heads. Hippies had long entangled hair and grubby clothing. They were fond of love and pacifizm, they absolutely loved freedom, even in taking drugs. They have used a lot of slang-phrases. For example, "girla" or "ppl". They created communes for living together. They travelled using pass-by cars and had earned money by begging or playing on music instruments. I do not appreciate any of these informal communes and I do not want to become a person like them. I just want to be unique like all other people.
When it rains the roof leaks.
Does she read much?
I don’t use public transport.
He doesn’t teach at school, he is a doctor.It often snows in January.
It goes in one ear and out through the other.
Cheerful people live longer.
Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.