This summer I was inchildren's camp "Cosmos". ATthis camp I spent 3memorable weekrecreation. There I found a newfriends with whom to datethen I talk. His time inCamp we held as follows:We went to bathe in the squadBlack sea, sunbathe,attended medicalprocedure, traveled toaquapark . To us in the campcame the famous singerTimur Rodrgez. Whenchange over, we allamicably parted onhome. But this is mythe journey is notended. My brother and I andsister went to childrenCamp "Magistral". ATcamp I met withyour friends. With themwe communicate onseveralyears. Very fun andwe actively conductedtime. We passed"Eurovision" inwhere I placed thirdplace, for which he receiveddiplomas and medals. Itsummer was unforgettable
Hi my name is .. I was born 21 of May in 2002, I'm 13. I live in ... I' m studying in year 8. I have hot blond hare and brown eyes. Our family is pretty big. I have got mother, father, aunt, grandfather , two brothers and sisters. I'm a good student, my favorite subjects is Russian language , history, english and biology. I want to learn Spanish and French languages. I have got a friend , she's 13 too. Nowadays is really hard to meet a real friend and i'm glad to have her in my life. I can trust her all my secrets and if we don't see each other for a long time i'm start missing her. I have got a hobby making bracelets , quilling and origami. I really like to bake cakes. All of as loves music, Some of as like classic , other one pop and etc, but i like every type of music. I make my playlist for my mood Who i will be in the feature , i'm not sure yet, but i want to be a baker. thats all!
Some flowers will be bought by me for my mum.
Перевела в пассив, т.к. они и так в активном залоге:)