-Маша, какое твоё любимое животное?-Собака. А твоё?-кошка. А почему тебе больше собаки нравятся?-Собака-лучший друг человека. Они очень добрые и ласковые.-Но собаки же ещё могут лаять и кусаться!-Если правильно воспитать собаку она будет добрая и ласковая. Ещё это зависит от породы. -Ну хорошо.
-Masha, what is your favorite animal? -A dog. And you? cat. Why are you more of a dog person? Dog is man's best friend. They are very kind and gentle. -But dogs can still bark and bite! -If you properly educate the dog she will be kind and gentle. Still it depends on the breed. Okay.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born on the 26th of May (6 June ), 1799, in Moscow. His was born in a noble family. Pushkin was the greatest Russian poet. He got his education at the lycee in Tsarskoye Selo. He published his first poem when he was fifteen years old . His famous works are Ruslan and Ludmila, Eugene Onegin, The Bronze Horseman, The Captain's Daughter e.t.c. Pushkin made an invaluable contribution to Russian literature. Nowadays his works are read and learned by heart too. His works are well-known all over the world. He is considered to be the father of modern Russian literature. Pushkin died at the age of thirty seven. He died on the 10th of February, 1837. He got a mortal wound in a duel. Georges -Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthes wounded him.
Years of life of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin from 1799 to 1837. Alexander Pushkin was born in Moscow and has died in St. Petersburg. He studied in Imperial Tsarkoselsky Lyceum. Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin has reputation of the famous poet. "Nurse", "Winter morning" "I remember some of Pushkin's poems strange a moment" and many others. Still Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin wrote fairy tales as "The tale of the tsar Saltan" "The tale of a bottom and the worker to his Head", "the Tale of the fisherman and a small fish", "The tale of the dead tsarevna and seven athletes", "the Tale of the Golden Cockerel". Pushkin is known by everyone and respects (or admires) his creativity!