Не супер хорошо разбираюсь в английском но вроде правильно)
1. l wrote my homework yesterday.
2. What did your sister do yesterday?
3. He didn't play football with us last Monday.
4. My mother was at the theatre several days ago.
5. She got up at 5 a.m.
6. Last week they was in Italy.
7. I visited my father's relatives last summer.
8. I put my book on the table.
9. My father repaired my bike.
10. My cat jumped on the chair.
11. Max ran 3 kilometers on the last training.
12. Did your father work at the factory?
13. Did you see a new film yesterday?
14. I left the class at half past three.
15. They baked the apple pie.
I love to extol surprises to my friends and relatives. I often give presents to parents. But each time it is becoming more and more difficult for me to find things for a gift, because they have almost everything they need. I usually give parents useful things. Two years ago, I gave them a tablet to watch movies. A year ago, they received a ticket to Turkey as a gift. Now I want to give them a good TV. In the future I want to give them a nice beautiful home.
Я люблю превозносить сюрпризы своим друзьям и родственникам. Я часто дарю подарки родителям. Но с каждым разом мне все труднее находить вещи для подарка, потому что у них есть почти все, что им нужно. Я обычно даю родителям полезные вещи. Два года назад я дал им планшет для просмотра фильмов. Год назад они получили в подарок билет в Турцию. Теперь я хочу дать им хороший телевизор. В будущем я хочу дать им красивый красивый дом.