Перевести на ! : название гаджета "роботохозяйка". его цена высока. цена зависит от марки робота. роботохозяйка может следить за детьми, чистить дом, готовить еду, гулять с собакой и делать все по хозяйству.
Gadget name "Robotohozyayka". Its price is very high. The price depends on the brand of the robot. Robotohozyayka can monitor the children, clean the house, prepare meals, walk the dog, and do all the housework.
RoboexoticaIts price is very high. The price depends on the brand of the robot. Roboexotica can look after children, clean the house, cook, walk the dog and do all the housework.
Civil War in the United States The United States of America is located on the continent of North America, which is located on the West of Europe. The fighting began on April 12, 1861 and ended with the surrender of the remnants of the army of the south on June 23, 1865. The war lasted 4 years. Yes, the conflict was a manifestation of violence. Differences in the economy, social structure, traditions and political values between the North and the South led to war. No, both sides were radically different and it was almost impossible to prevent this conflict, all the more peaceful. неотмечайте как нарушение потому что меня учили так и все еще учат так. Sorry если чтото не так . я считаю так . не судуте строго я в 6 классе
Civil war US United States of America located on the continent North America located West of Europe. Hostilities began on 12 April 1861 and ended with the surrender of the remnants of the Confederate army on June 23, 1865. The war lasted 4 years. Yes,the conflict was a manifestation of the violence. The differences in economy, social structure, political traditions and values between North and South led to war. No,both sides were radically different and to prevent this conflict was almost impossible,especially peace by