i like to go to the cinema very much and i like to watch different films. my favourite genres are comedies and melodramas, but also i like fantasy.i like different kinds of films, because each of them is very interesting and impresses me.i like comedies because they make me laugh. some of them are "dad is 17 again" , "just go with it", "hitch". they are family films.melodramas are sad films. such films excite people. i usually cry when i watch melodramas. some of them are "a walk to remember", «if only", "remember me".but my favorite film is "harry potter. i like all parts of this film. i think that it is the best one and all children and adults love harry.there are many computer drawings and special effects in this film."harry potter" is a very interesting fantasy novel about magicians. but we can see friendship and love in it.i can watch "harry potter" again and again. i watched each of eight films with great interest.this film teaches us much, i advice all people to watch it.
я люблю ходить в кино и смотреть различные фильмы. мои любимые жанры - это комедии и мелодрамы, но также мне нравится фантастика.я люблю разные фильмы, потому что каждый из них интересный и впечатляет меня.мне нравятся комедии, потому что они заставляют меня смеяться. вот некоторые из них: «папе снова 17», «притворись моей женой», «метод хитча».это семейные фильмы.мелодрамы - это грустные фильмы. такие фильмы влияют на людей. когда я смотрю их, я обычно плачу. некоторые из них: «спеши любить», «если только», «помни меня».но мой любимый фильм – это «гарри поттер». все части. я думаю, что это самый лучший фильм и, что все дети и взрослые любят гарри.этот фильм имеет множество компьютерной графики и спецэффектов.«гарри поттер» - это интересный фантастический роман про магов. но в нем есть и дружба, и любовь.я могу смотреть «гарри поттера» снова и снова. каждую из 8 частей я смотрю с захватывающим интересом.этот фильм многому нас учит, я всем советую посмотреть его
it is the title character in stephen king's 1986 horror novel it. the character is an ancient cosmic evil which preys upon the children of derry, maine, roughly every twenty-seven years, using a variety of powers that include the ability to shapeshift, manipulate, and go unnoticed by adults. during the course of the story, it primarily appears in the form of pennywise the dancing clown.in the novel, it is a shapeshifting monster who usually assumes the form of pennywise the dancing clown, originating in a void containing and surrounding the universe—a place referred to in the novel as the "macroverse" (a concept similar to the later established "todash darkness" of the dark tower novels). it ended up on prehistoric earth during an asteroid impact and made its home under the land that derry would be built on, preying on indigenous tribes before confining its feedings within the town. it would sleep for approximately 27 to 30 years at a time, using its time awake to wreak chaos and feed on human fear by assuming what its prey fear the most. it has a preference for children since their fears are easier to interpret in a physical form, gradually breaking them akin to "salting the meat" before killing them. it can manipulate people with weaker wills, making them indifferent to the horrific events that unfold or serve as unknowing accomplices.