Until the decision was ( to close it in the early 1990s, the canadian pacific was for many years the world’s greatest rail ( over a hundred years ago at tremendous (3) cost, it stretched 2,887 miles from montreal to the pacific (4) crossing dense pine forests and massive mountains.in many ways, canada is a nation that was (7) railways. another victim of air (10) that is both cheaper and easier.when it is (12) in toronto or quebec they fly south to the carribean rather than freeze in winnipeg. 1.a brought b taken c had d given 2.a trip b voyage c excursion d journey 3.a human b people c labour d man 4.a shore b coast c beach d bank 5.a firm b strong c deep d solid 6.a unknown b uncertain c unexplored d unidentified 7.a created b done c invented d set up 8.a on b out c away d through 9.a related b combined c tied d linked 10.a flight b travel c tour d flying 11.a unlike b contrasting c different d opposed 12.a under b down c bellow d underneath