0. Every year more and more tourists are visiting the Ionian Islands, and most are enchanted by these lush green islands in a turquoise sea.
... visit the ...
1. Many now think about the possibility of owning property in this warm, unspoilt corner of Europe.
... are thinking now ...
2. Appeals the idea to you? If so, read on!
Does the idea appearls ... If it does...
3 - 10 все норм
10. We currently develop a complex of luxury apartments just outside Lourdas, in the south of Cephalonia.
we are currently developing ...
11 - все в порядке
14. Behind the village the mountains are rising steeply and goats roam freely.
... rise ...
15. From the village a road winds down to Lourdas Bay. The wide sweep of the bay shelter a long sandy beach which is almost totally uncommercialised.
17. The local developers build a range of bars and tavernas on a strip of land behind the beach.
... are building ...
19. We have completed our apartment and we now show prospective purchasers the apartment, either in person at the site, or at our London office, on video.
... and now we are showing ...
20. To take part in this once-in-a-lifetime offer, phone us now and talk to one of our sales representatives.
Сейчас в нашей стране достаточно сложная экономическая ситуация, и потому стране нужны хорошие специалисты по национальной экономике, а профессия финансиста (юриста, экономиста) одна из таких.
Я очень хорошо понимаю, что самый лучший путь для получения хорошего образования, это упорно трудиться в колледже, и я буду пытаться сделать всё возможное для того чтобы стать хорошим специалистом.