Коли ми вивчаємо в школі англійську мову, то вчитель також повинен розповідати правила, розмовляти з нами на англійській мові. Це до запам'ятати нові слова. Також коли ми чуємо правильну вимову, згодом також починаємо говорити правильно. Якщо вчитель пояснює тему на англійській мові, то ми вчимося сприймати мову на слух. І далі коли потрібно буде слухати аудіювання, нам буде простіше. Звісно, якщо мені буде незрозуміле якесь слово, я по вчителя перекласти його. І так я зможу запам'ятати не тільки слово, а і його переклад. Я вважаю, що англійську мову потрібно вчити на англійські мові.
When we study English at school, the teacher must also tell the rules, talk to us in English. It helps to memorize new words. Also, when we hear the correct pronunciation, later we also begin to speak correctly. If the teacher explains the topic in English, then we learn to perceive the language by ear. And then when we need to listen to the audition, it will be easier for us. Of course, if I do not understand a word, I will ask the teacher to translate it. And so I will be able to remember not only the word, but also its translation. I believe that English should be taught in English.
2. When he came home, kids were watching a new movie.
3. Last night we went to a football match.
4. I had lost my key before I returned back to the hotel.
5. James had been working in the business for 2 years before he met Michael.
6. What time did you come home yesterday? I don’t know
7. She was writing an essay all day long yesterday.
8. Kate cooked a salad while her brother was trying to repair their car.
9. They have been preparing for the party since November 1.
10. Sam was doing his homework when his parents returned.
11. Why didn’t you call me yesterday? I was waiting for your call from 6 to 9.
12. We visited a new shopping center a week ago.
3) She has never travelled to St. Petersburg.
4) Have you already driven a car?
5) Why are you not listening to me now?
6) I think I will see her only tomorrow
7) Mike has recently fed his cat.
8) We haven't met him yesterday
9) We are not going to write a test today; we are going to write it next week
10) Our biology lessons are always interesting.
5) Did your cousin visit Europe 3 years ago
6) Has you brother chosen his next car yet
7) My sister won t meet me after school tomorrow
8) Why does he always leave a textbook at home
9) She has just taken her dog for a walk
2)What color is your pen - the black one or the blue one ?
3)Where does your sister live now - in Moscow or in St. Peterburg?
4)What time do your lessons at school begin?
5)How long have you known him?
6)Where are you from? - I'm from Italy.
7)Who meets you after school?
8)Why are you so angry?
9)Whose textbook is this - Anna's or Kate's?
10)What is he doing at the moment?