Шарлотка - Charlotte Рецепт на английском языке Ingredients: 3 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 3 apples Method: Wash and dry the apples then cut each one into four wedges, then core and slice. Set aside. In a large bowl mix thoroughly the flour, sugar, and three eggs to form a batter. Line a 3 inch deep baking tray with parchment, greased to prevent sticking. Put the apples in the dish then pour the batter over them. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 35-40 minutes till brown and a wooden pick inserted into the cake comes out clean. Рецепт на русском языке Ингредиенты: 3 яйца 1 стакан сахара 1 стакан муки 3 яблока Приготовление: яблоки промыть, просушить, разрезать каждое на четыре дольки, удалить сердцевину, нарезать дольками. Отставить в сторону. В большой миске тщательно смешать муку, сахар и три яйца. Форму для выпекания выложить пергаментом, смазать маслом, чтобы тесто не прилипло. Выложить в эту форму яблоки, сверху залить тестом. Выпекать при 180 градусов Цельсия в течение 35-40 минут до коричневой корочки, деревянная палочка из готового пирога должна выходить сухая.
Ex 39 Где “the above chart”? 1. I was not sure if he would get to the village before dark. 2. He doesn't know when they arrive. 3. I wonder when he wakes up. 4. Do you know when he is having a talk with her about her future work? 5. They asked him if he would go by plane. 6. They want to know if there are any changes in their plans. Ex 40 1. I don't know if she will get the tickets for the concert but if she does, I’ll phone you. 2. We don't know if the weather will change for the worse but if it does, we won’t go to the country. 3. She doesn't know if she will find out his address today but if she does, she’ll send him a telegram. 4. He doesn't know if the teacher will look through our course-papers this week but if she doesn’t, we’ll have time to make changes. 5. We don't know when the delegation arrives but when they do we’ll show them the places of interest. 6. I don't know if he will come but if he does, his arrival will change my plans. 7. I don't know if he will stay for the week-end but if he does I’ll ask him to tell us about his trip to England. 8. She doesn't know when he wakes up but when he does I’ll phone you.
1How many textbooks are there in my bag_? There are five textbooks in my bag. 2___Is there a bathroom in his flat? No,there isn`t.There is no bathroom in his flat. 3Who is there in this room? There are boys and girls in this room 4___Is the living room cosy and comfortable__? Yes,there is.The living room is very cosy and comfortable. 5__What is there in his bedroom? There are two chairs, a sofa and a bookshelf in his bedroom.
1Не ходи в школу Don't go to school 2 не мой пол don't clean the floor 3 ешь много тортов eat many cakes 4 не отвечай учителю Don't answer the teacher 5 не маме don't help mother 6 не делай домашнюю работу don't do your homework 7 смотри телевизор каждый день watch TV every day 8 не убирай свою комнату. don't clean your woom
Рецепт на английском языке
Ingredients: 3 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 3 apples
Method: Wash and dry the apples then cut each one into four wedges, then core and slice. Set aside. In a large bowl mix thoroughly the flour, sugar, and three eggs to form a batter. Line a 3 inch deep baking tray with parchment, greased to prevent sticking. Put the apples in the dish then pour the batter over them. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 35-40 minutes till brown and a wooden pick inserted into the cake comes out clean.
Рецепт на русском языке
Ингредиенты: 3 яйца 1 стакан сахара 1 стакан муки 3 яблока
Приготовление: яблоки промыть, просушить, разрезать каждое на четыре дольки, удалить сердцевину, нарезать дольками. Отставить в сторону. В большой миске тщательно смешать муку, сахар и три яйца. Форму для выпекания выложить пергаментом, смазать маслом, чтобы тесто не прилипло. Выложить в эту форму яблоки, сверху залить тестом. Выпекать при 180 градусов Цельсия в течение 35-40 минут до коричневой корочки, деревянная палочка из готового пирога должна выходить сухая.