1. Physicians can help people to regain their hearing thanks to several new types of prosthetic devices. 2. Sound waves are transmitted into the inner ear with the bone, called the stapes, that is one of a trio of tiny bones. A physical impact or even a bad inflammation of the middle ear can destroy the process. 3. Replacing the bone is difficult because prostheses are tricky to implant and are often rejected by the body 4. The device closely matches the triangular shape of its natural counterpart it's original design called for a base of ceramic is attached to a tiny piece of bone snipped from another bone in the middle ear. 5. The Tabor is more anatomical than other prostheses and the artificial part of the Tabor device made it easy to stabilize it within the ear 6. Dr. Sade has successfully implanted this device in several patients and is going to continue the work
Задание 3 1. Are there any possibilities to help deaf people to regain their hearing? 2. Which kinds of tecniques may help regain hearing? 3. What are the main causes of destruction of the stapes? 4. Is it easy to overgo the consequences of destruction if the stapes? 5. What is the function of the stapes? What problems may arise after replacing it (the stapes) ? 6. Could you tell about the composition and structure of the Tabor device? 7. What are the main advantages of using the Tabor device?
1.Canada is a country of lakes. 2.The population of Canada is over 24 million people. 3.Machine-building , motor-car, ship-building, hydro-electric industries are highly developed. 4.Canada is a federal state and a member of the Commonwealth. 5.Canada consists of the provinces of Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Colambia and Yukon and the North-West Territories. 6.The cabinet is headed by the Prime Minister Вроде так