Нужна , ! ask your classmates about their favorite games including computer games.make a poster with the most popular games.stick pictures and label them.think of a title for the poster.
Спроси своих одноклассников об их любимых играх включая компьютерные игры. Сделай постер с самыми популярными играми. Наклей картинки и подписи к ним. Придумай заголовок для постера
Ещё до Рождества моя мама заготовила много подарков и сделала вкусный пудинг. Когда до Рождества остовалось 2 часа я был счастлив. А уже в Рождество мы ели вкусный пудинг и раскрывали подарки! На улице зажигали фейрверки. Когда мы сьели основной ужин моя мама принесла большой торт и Рождественское печенье с молоком. Даже после Рождества я не могу забыть о нём.
Even before Christmas my mother had prepared a lot of gifts and make a delicious pudding. When before Christmas ostovatsya 2:00 I was happy. And in Christmas, we ate a delicious pudding and opened gifts! The street lit fireworks. When we have eaten the main dinner my mother brought a big cake and Christmas cookies with milk. Even after Christmas, I can not forget about it.
1 The boys broke the window yesterday. Did the boys break the window yesterday? The boys didn't break the window yesterday. 2 Ann watched TV yesterday. Did Ann watch TV yesterday? Ann didn't watch TV yesterday, 3 We drew funny pictures last week. Did we draw funny pictures last week? We didn't draw funny pictures last week. 4 He wrote stories about our favourite characters. Did he write stories about our favourite characters? He didn't write stories about our favourite characters. 5 They visited the exhibitions last month. Did they visit the exhibitions last month? They didn't visit the exhibitions last month. 6 He worked at a plant last year. Did he work at a plant last year? He didn't work at a plant last year. 7 We went to the library yesterday. Did we go to the library yesterday? We didn't go to the library yesterday.