hey mark! what are you going to do during half-term ?
you (won't believe) it but i(visited) swizerland !
really ? that's so exciting ! swizrland is great. i'm sure you (loved) it.
i think so, too. my family and i (stayed) at a hotel near the swiss alps.
yeah, it great.i (played) in the snow every day.my brother and i also ) to learn how to ski.
you're so lucky.i wish i could go with you.
maybe you can. (should i ask) my parents ?
ok, then. i (will talk) to them tonight.
i think we should go to class now or we (will be) late
you're right. let's go
d) Если мы (иметь) карту, мы не потеряли бы наш путь.
е) Если мы потеряем наши паспорта, мы (идти) в полицию.
е) Если шина (не прийти) в ближайшее время, я буду поздно для школы.
г) Если они продали свой особняк, они (получить) много денег.