«Michael heard his alarm clock ringing but he could not open his eyes. Then his mum came (COME) into the room and turned on the light:»
Michael heard his alarm clock ringing but he could not open his eyes. Then his mum came (COME) into the room and turned on the light: “I know there’s nothing more difficult (DIFFICULT) than to get up early in the morning in December.” Mum bent and kissed Michael’s cheek. “Oh, you are boiling! Your head is so hot. Michael, are (BE) you all right? Michael at last managed to open his eyes. “Yes, I’m fine. But my head is spinning and my eyes hurt.”
“It’s probably the flu. Look, Michael, I wish I could (CAN) stay with you today, but I can’t. I have to be in our office till at least 3pm.” Don’t worry, Mum. If I need anything, I’ll call (CALL) you at once.” “I have made (MAKE) sandwiches already.”
“I don’t want to eat, Mum.” “Ok. I’ll put them (THEY) in the fridge.” When his mum left, Michael woke up completely. He reached for the bookshelf and took out an old book of fairy tales. It was bought (BUY) by his great-grandmother, when he was a small child. She often said that even in her old age she loved (LOVE) these tales more than anything else. Michael opened the book and sank into the world of mystery and wonders.
Ингредиенты: 150 г муки, 30 г сливочного масла и немного растительного масла, щепотка соли, 2-3 ст. ложки молока, 2 помидора, 50 г сыра, 50 г салями или ветчины, горсть сушеных грибов.
Method: First of all oil the pan. Put the flour and salt into a bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and mix it with the flour. Add some milk and mix into a dough. Put the dough into the oiled pan. Put the toppings (this means small pieces of tomatoes, cheese, ham and mushrooms) on the dough. Bake for about 15 minutes in a hot oven. Cut your pizza in several pieces and enjoy it.
Приготовление: Прежде всего, смажьте сковороду растительным маслом. Высыпьте муку и соль в миску. Нарежьте сливочное масло на маленькие куски и смешайте с мукой. Добавьте молоко и замесите тесто. Выложите тесто в смазанную сковороду. Выложите начинку ( маленькие кусочки томатов, сыра, ветчины и грибов) на тесто. Выпекайте около 15 минут в горячей духовке. Разрежьте вашу пиццу на несколько частей и наслаждайтесь. Приятного аппетита!