Past Simple маркеры: yesterday Last week, day etc. 2,3 hours,years,weeks ago in 1990,2000... the day before yesterday и т.д положительное предложение-S(существительное)+V(глагол)+ed(окончание правильных глаголов)/2-ая форма неправильных глаголов Example- I|You|She|He|It|They|We went to cinema yesterday. отрицательное предложение- S+didnt+V Example I|You|She|He|It|They|We didnt go to cinema yesterday. вопросительное предложение Did+S+V Example Did I|You|She|He|It|They|We go to cinema yesterday.
Present Simple маркеры: always often sometimes every day,month on Mondays,Tuesdaysetc. положительное предложение S+V I|They|We|You go to cinema always S+Vs She|He|It goes to cinema always отрицательное предложение S+Dont+V I|They|We|You dont go to cinema always S+Doesnt+V She|He|It doesnt go to cinema always вопросительное предложение Do+S+V Do I|They|We|You go to cinema always Does+S+V Does She|He|It go to cinema always
Future Simple маркеры: tomorrow the day after tomorrow tonight next week,day soon etc. положительное предложение S+will+V I|You|She|He|It|They|We will go to the cinema tomorrow отрицательное предложение S+wont+V I|You|She|He|It|They|We wont go to cinema tomorrow вопросительное предложение Will+S+V? Will I|You|She|He|It|They|We go to the cinema tomorrow
Past Perfect: by before by the time положительное предложение S+had+V+ed/3-ая форма (неправильных глаголов)+маркер+Past Simple I|You|She|He|It|They|We had done his homework before I|You|She|He|It|They|We went to cinema отрицательное предложение S+Had not+V+ed/3-ая форма(неправильных глаголов)+маркер+Past Simple I|You|She|He|It|They|We had not done his homework before I|You|She|He|It|They|We went to cinema вопросительное предложение Had+S+S+V+ed/3-ая форма(неправильных глаголов)+маркер+Past Simple Had I|You|She|He|It|They|We done his homework before I|You|She|He|It|They|We went to cinema
Present Perfect just-используется когда действие только что завершено already-используется когда действие только что завершено yet-используется когда действие не законченно for 1,2,3year,monthetc since
положительное предложение S+Have+V+ed\3-ая форма I|You|they|We have gone cinema She|He|It has gone cinema отрицательное предложение I|You|they|We havent gone cinema She|He|It hasnt gone cinema вопросительное предложение Have+S+V+ed\3-ая форма Have I|You|they|We gone cinema Has She|He|It gone cinema К сожалению, я полный ноль в Past Progressive, Present Progressive.
A) I have been reading this book since last year. Я читаю эту книгу с года.( И можно также: I have been reading this book for a year. -Я читаю эту книгу год.) b) Omar has been playing basketball since he was 10 years old . Омар играет в баскетбол с 10 лет. ( т. е. с тех пор, как ему исполнилось 10 лет.) с) Jennifer has been working since 9 o'clock. Дженнифер работает с 9 часов. d) My friend's sister has been looking for another job for a month . Сестра моего друга ищет другую работу весь месяц. e) A group of tourists arrived at the hotel "Kazakhstan" an hour ago and they have still been waiting for the second group to come. Группа туристов прибыла в гостиницу Казахстан час назад и они всё ещё ждут прибытия второй группы.
1)Roy says he has never been TO the British Museum. I think we should go there together. 2) Where did you get this dictionary? - I borrowed it FROM my uncle. 3) My friend prefers mathematics OVER/TO language learning. 4) We followed (-) our teacher to the beautiful high building. 5) In summer children should spend more time IN the open air. 6) Juan speaks (-) Spanish, it's his mother tongue. 7) Can you, please, hand my hat OVER? It is too far away from me. 8) The lesson is over. Hand IN your exercise books, please. 9) She took my photo, looked at it and handed it BACK to me. 10) Now I'm going to hand OUT some paper for you to write on.
Last week, day etc.
2,3 hours,years,weeks ago
in 1990,2000...
the day before yesterday и т.д
положительное предложение-S(существительное)+V(глагол)+ed(окончание правильных глаголов)/2-ая форма неправильных глаголов Example- I|You|She|He|It|They|We went to cinema yesterday.
отрицательное предложение-
S+didnt+V Example I|You|She|He|It|They|We didnt go to cinema yesterday.
вопросительное предложение
Did+S+V Example Did I|You|She|He|It|They|We go to cinema yesterday.
Present Simple маркеры:
every day,month
on Mondays,Tuesdaysetc.
положительное предложение
S+V I|They|We|You go to cinema always
S+Vs She|He|It goes to cinema always
отрицательное предложение
S+Dont+V I|They|We|You dont go to cinema always
S+Doesnt+V She|He|It doesnt go to cinema always
вопросительное предложение
Do+S+V Do I|They|We|You go to cinema always
Does+S+V Does She|He|It go to cinema always
Future Simple маркеры:
the day after tomorrow
next week,day
soon etc.
положительное предложение
S+will+V I|You|She|He|It|They|We will go to the cinema tomorrow
отрицательное предложение
S+wont+V I|You|She|He|It|They|We wont go to cinema tomorrow
вопросительное предложение
Will+S+V? Will I|You|She|He|It|They|We go to the cinema tomorrow
Past Perfect:
by the time
положительное предложение
S+had+V+ed/3-ая форма (неправильных глаголов)+маркер+Past Simple
I|You|She|He|It|They|We had done his homework before I|You|She|He|It|They|We went to cinema
отрицательное предложение
S+Had not+V+ed/3-ая форма(неправильных глаголов)+маркер+Past Simple
I|You|She|He|It|They|We had not done his homework before I|You|She|He|It|They|We went to cinema
вопросительное предложение
Had+S+S+V+ed/3-ая форма(неправильных глаголов)+маркер+Past Simple
Had I|You|She|He|It|They|We done his homework before I|You|She|He|It|They|We went to cinema
Present Perfect
just-используется когда действие только что завершено
already-используется когда действие только что завершено
yet-используется когда действие не законченно
for 1,2,3year,monthetc
положительное предложение
S+Have+V+ed\3-ая форма
I|You|they|We have gone cinema
She|He|It has gone cinema
отрицательное предложение
I|You|they|We havent gone cinema
She|He|It hasnt gone cinema
вопросительное предложение
Have+S+V+ed\3-ая форма
Have I|You|they|We gone cinema
Has She|He|It gone cinema
К сожалению, я полный ноль в Past Progressive, Present Progressive.