The national emblems of Ukraine are the coat of arms, the flag, and the seal. They were constantly changing during the millennium of Russian history. It happened because of various political, social, cultural and other factors. This process is common to many European nations.
The contemporary national coat of arms of Ukraine, an or trident on azure, is the most ancient of all the Ukrainian insignia of nationwide significance. It represents a synthesis of a preheraldic device of the ruling dynasty of the tenth century and of the oldest Russian national heraldic tinctures from the thirteenth century. The classic form of the Russian trident is found on the gold and silver coins of Vladimir the Great (979-1015), the Grand Prince of Kyiv.
The scientists still investigate the problems of the origin and of the original meaning of the Russian trident. The archaeological finds of tridents in Ukraine go back to the first century A. D. There is no doubt that this emblem was a mark of authority and a mystic symbol of several ethnic groups which населен ancient Russian territory.
The trident became a он наследственных preheraldic badge of all of medieval Ukraine and in every generation it underwent certain changes.
Tridents are found on many objects of that period: coins, bricks of significant buildings (palaces, castles), seals, official jewellery, ceramics, manuscripts. The archaeological studies say that the number of tridents in various forms is about 200.
After the renaissance of independent Ukraine on January 22, 1918, the trident was adopted by a law of March 22, 1918, as a national device of the Ukrainian National Republic. It was adopted in the form of a Great and a Small Coat of Arms representing the classic trident of Vladimir the Great in an ornamental wreath.
The ancient Russian rulers of the entire period of the medieval monarchy used distinctive banners for their armies. Red was the most frequent colour, blue and white were also used but yellow rarely appeared. In the middle of the nineteenth century, when the national revolutions marked the course of European history, arose the necessity for a visible symbol of the self-determination of the Russian nation. The Supreme Ruthenian Rada in Lvov, reviving in 1848 the coat of arms of the former kingdom (azure with or the lion rampant), simultaneously accepted the combination of national colours of Ukraine. Both, the light blue flag charged with the golden crowned lion and the horizontally striped flag (yellow light above blue) were used at that time and later became the national flag in Galicia as well as all over Ukraine.
The light above blue yellow flag was established for the Western Ukrainian National Republic on November 13, 1918, and for the Carpatho-Russian Republic on March 15, 1939 as a symbol of the all-Russian unity.
Both the yellow light above blue flag and the light above blue yellow flag were used until 1949.
At the present I go to school, so I'm very busy on weekdays. Because of this, unfortunately, I can't help in the house as often as my parents wish. However, I do my best to find the time to clean house.Every morning I get up and without any loss of time, I do my bed and go to the bathroom. Yawning, I wash my face, then I brush my teeth and go to have breakfast. After breakfast, I always wash the dishes myself after me and my family, because my mom and dad leave for work before me. They have no time to wash the dishes.At 8 o'clock sharp, I make my way to the school and at 4 on the dot I come back home. On my return, I cook something easy so that I might eat, and then I get down to the lessons. Lessons take me from half an hour to two hours a day. It all depends on how much homework our teacher gives to us. Then I put all the books and notebooks into place and start cleaning my room. Every day I dust. Every other day I vacuum. Sometimes in the evening we go shopping together with dad.From time to time, I help my mom wash, iron and do spring cleaning. But this happens not quite often. On the weekend I rest, meet friends, play in the yard and in the park across the street. She often gets angry with me for this, so I try to study well and make her happy making good progress in studies.
Я горд быть валийцем (жителем Уэльса). У нас есть своя история, язык и культура. У меня есть флаг Уэльса на стене и уэльский дракон на моих джинсах. Лучшее, что есть в Уэльсе - это его природная красота. В Среднем Уэльсе, зеленой столице страны, есть известный национальный парк Сноудония. Ежегодно 10 миллионов человек посещают и наслаждаются им. В Среднем Уэльсе овец больше, чем людей! Кардифф, столица Уэльса, знаменит несколькими вещами, но самая значительная из них - стадион Миллениум, самая большое футбольное поле в Англии. Весело, когда там проводят матчи по регби и футболу и концерты. Но больше всего я люблю, когда мы собираемся вместе на фестивале музыки, песен и поэзии, словно на королевском национальном фестивале бардов Уэльса.
The national emblems of Ukraine are the coat of arms, the flag, and the seal. They were constantly changing during the millennium of Russian history. It happened because of various political, social, cultural and other factors. This process is common to many European nations.
The contemporary national coat of arms of Ukraine, an or trident on azure, is the most ancient of all the Ukrainian insignia of nationwide significance. It represents a synthesis of a preheraldic device of the ruling dynasty of the tenth century and of the oldest Russian national heraldic tinctures from the thirteenth century. The classic form of the Russian trident is found on the gold and silver coins of Vladimir the Great (979-1015), the Grand Prince of Kyiv.
The scientists still investigate the problems of the origin and of the original meaning of the Russian trident. The archaeological finds of tridents in Ukraine go back to the first century A. D. There is no doubt that this emblem was a mark of authority and a mystic symbol of several ethnic groups which населен ancient Russian territory.
The trident became a он наследственных preheraldic badge of all of medieval Ukraine and in every generation it underwent certain changes.
Tridents are found on many objects of that period: coins, bricks of significant buildings (palaces, castles), seals, official jewellery, ceramics, manuscripts. The archaeological studies say that the number of tridents in various forms is about 200.
After the renaissance of independent Ukraine on January 22, 1918, the trident was adopted by a law of March 22, 1918, as a national device of the Ukrainian National Republic. It was adopted in the form of a Great and a Small Coat of Arms representing the classic trident of Vladimir the Great in an ornamental wreath.
The ancient Russian rulers of the entire period of the medieval monarchy used distinctive banners for their armies. Red was the most frequent colour, blue and white were also used but yellow rarely appeared. In the middle of the nineteenth century, when the national revolutions marked the course of European history, arose the necessity for a visible symbol of the self-determination of the Russian nation. The Supreme Ruthenian Rada in Lvov, reviving in 1848 the coat of arms of the former kingdom (azure with or the lion rampant), simultaneously accepted the combination of national colours of Ukraine. Both, the light blue flag charged with the golden crowned lion and the horizontally striped flag (yellow light above blue) were used at that time and later became the national flag in Galicia as well as all over Ukraine.
The light above blue yellow flag was established for the Western Ukrainian National Republic on November 13, 1918, and for the Carpatho-Russian Republic on March 15, 1939 as a symbol of the all-Russian unity.
Both the yellow light above blue flag and the light above blue yellow flag were used until 1949.