1. _a large river-boat was going down_the Missisippi on its way to _the New Orlean . Once of _ passengers of _the boat was _a young gentelman, St. Clare by _ name. He had with him _ adaughter. _the Child was very beautiful.
2. Independence Day is _the biggest national holiday in_ the USA .
_the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in Philadelphia on _the Fourth of July, 1776, when _ American colonies were fighting for _the independence against England.
3. In the evening the English have a smile supper an omleyye , or _a sausades, sometims_ bacom and _eggs and sometims just
_bread and _chees , _a cup of coffee or cocoa and _fruit.
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If you want to be healthy, strong and beautiful you should go in for sports. Nobody likes to be stout and clumsy. We enjoy watching nice bodies of sportsmen, their strength and adroitness. When I go in for sports I feel wonderful. I don’t sneeze or cough. I am cheerful, active and full of energy. In summer I go in for swimming or rowing. I enjoy spending winter holidays in the country. There I can ski or skate. For those who have already determined to go in for sports it is very important to choose the kind of sports they like best. Some games are quiet, others are very lively, active. Some kinds of sports need simple equipment and facilities, others need rather complex ones. I doubt whether the bare idea that sport is helpful to make us healthy, will make somebody go in for sports if he doesn’t like physical exercises. That’s why the lessons of physical training at school are very important